fourty-three: couple of kids

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{Two Weeks Later}

"Y/n Brooks is blowing up the charts after their debut album dropped two weeks ago and two weeks from a near death experience alongside, who we're just finding out, Hailee Steinfeld. The two have been dating on the low but finally announced their relationship with pictures of them comforting each other after being held at gun point-" The news lady pauses.

"It's unbelievable what the two had witnessed. I'm glad they're both safe considering I'm a fan of both," the other news person spoke. The lady nodding.

"One hundred percent. But now Hailee's in New York filming for her upcoming show, Dickinson, starring as Emily Dickinson the poet. Meanwhile Y/n is doing interview after interview, hyping up the album and promoting it."

"It's an amazing album! Deals with concepts such as family, mental health, and relationships. It's not something I would have imagined coming from Y/n Brooks considering the band they used to be apart of is very rock, pop, upbeat so to speak. It's a side I'm really looking forward to seeing more of and the realness of Y/n. Seeing more layers of who they really are and not just seeing them as a drummer that so many people have seen them as."

I shut the t.v off and lean up on the couch, rubbing my hands over my face. My eyes burning. My mind going off with thought after thought as images of two weeks ago, flood my mind.

I open my eyes and let a breathe escape my lips heavily as I turn and lock eyes with Hailee's. Our eyes lock and I put my hands on her arms, scanning her over. But when no visible wounds are seen I instantly pull her towards me and turn her back towards Sarah Mae's body that lay bleeding out on the payment. I squeeze my eyes shut and keep a tight hold on Hailee as cops and sirens appear from every direction it seems. My heart races. My blood pumping. But I don't let go of Hailee. Her body against mine makes me feel comfortable. Her hands on my back, her breathes in the crook of my neck. She was okay. She was safe. Everything was okay.

"I love you," I mumble over and over again without realizing I was saying it out loud. I knew when I felt Hailee squeeze me tighter she heard me. But I didn't care.

"I love you. I always have," Hailee whispers back to me, a smile inching my lips.

"Hey, they're ready for you," Ester spoke tearing me from my thoughts. I open my eyes, removing my hands from my face and looking at the older woman. I nod and stand up, walking over to her. She places her hand on the back of my back, walking with me. "You alright?"

I nod slowly. "Yeah, just overwhelmed I guess," I respond as I see her nod out of the corner of my eye.

"Understandable but are you...Are you really okay? You keep zoning out on me. We don't have to keep doing these interviews if it's too much. People will understand."

"I have to do the interviews espeically with how successful the album has been. I owe it to the fans." Ester nods as her hand drops. I get to the entrance of the interview. I wait patiently and let a deep heavy sigh escape my lips before I hear her say, "Our next guest is somebody I have been dying to meet! They're album has hit 1 million sold copies within the first 48 hours of releasing!  Please give it up for Y/n Brooks!"

The crowd goes crazy and I put on a smile as I walk out and do a little walky walk. A song of mine plays and I lightly smile as I head out. There Kelly Clarkson stands with a big old smile as I walk over and we hug. The music dies down as we break apart and sit. Everyone in the audience cheering, clapping, smiling. I wave at them all, looking eyes with a bunch of them. But it all goes a bit quiet as Kelly goes to speak.

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