thirty-two: official

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"After 5 hours it's finally out in the world," Hailee says leaning back in her seat

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"After 5 hours it's finally out in the world," Hailee says leaning back in her seat. I sit back in my own twiddling my thumbs as I nod and glance at her. Within seconds both of our phones start ringing. I look at them and then to Hailee who looks at me with wide eyes.

"We should probably-"

"Yep," she says as we both lean forward and grab our phones. I grab mine and stand going into the studio. I place the phone to my ear and hear my agent's voice.

"You guys released the song already? I thought it was supposed to be this Wednesday!" She spoke, obviously triggered but confused.

"Yeah but we recorded and didn't want to wait," I say shrugging. "I'm sorry, but hey have you listened to it?"

"Not yet... I understand you two were probably excited but from here on out you two have to wait. There's reasons we wait on these things. Promotion is a huge thing in this business and I want to provide you everything you need to be successful-" she pauses for a moment. "Let me go listen to it. Meanwhile you and Hailee need to make a video promoting it. Post the short video on your instagrams, on your twitter. Me and Hailee's manager will set up a day to make a music video. I have some meetings to attend that you need to come to this week. I'll send you a schedule. But Y/n, if this song blows up we have a lot to do. A lot, I need you to tell me if you're really down to do this solo thing."

I stay quiet for a moment, listening to the woman's words before glancing over my shoulder at Hailee who stands with one hand on her hip as her other holds up the phone to her ear.

"Y/n?" My agent's voice speaks through the phone again. I clench my jaw and nod my head.

"I'm sure. I'm 100% sure," I say, watching as Hailee begins to pace back and forth in the other room.

"Okay. I'll send you the schedule and make sure you're on time and everything. Record that little video of you guys and post. Talk soon Y/n." And with that I pull the phone from ear and hang up. I slide the phone into my pocket and exit the studio just as Hailee hangs up her phone.

"How'd yours go?" I ask, walking over and sitting down. A low sigh escapes Hailee's lips as she plops down and shrugs.

"My manager's not happy but said it's too late now. He also wants me to make a video or well us to make a video and post it to try and promote the song a bit," Hailee informs me and I nod.

"Mine said the same." I look away from her and pull out my phone. I go onto Instagram and find it kind of blowing up. "If we're going to make a post we might wanna do it now."

"Why? What's up?" Hailee asks moving her chair closer. I glance over and find her right there. Our eyes lock and I feel my breathe hitch but she looks away and to my phone. "Holy shit you're blowing up."

"I guarantee you are too. Okay okay. Let's film one on both our phones."

Hailee nods and I go to video mode and place it to where it gets both of us in frame. Hailee runs her hand through her hair and I chuckle.

"You look amazing Haiz," I say and she playfully rolls her eyes.

"Yeah okay says the person who can just roll out of bed and go with life because they already look perfect," Hailee responds and I look at her, giving her questioning eyes. She drops her hands from her hair, looking at me. "What?"

A smile curves onto my lips as I slowly look away. My heart skipping as I adjust in my seat looking at the phone. I feel Hailee move a bit closer with her chair before she leans forward and hits the button to start recording.

"Hey loves it's me Hailee," she starts as I look at her through the phone smiling.

"And I'm Y/n," I say with a smile.

"And we have a surprise for you!" Hailee says putting up jazz hands. I chuckle and nod in agreement.

"We just released a song together called-"

"Kissing In the Cold," Hailee and I both say together.

"You can listen to it on all platforms now!" Hailee speaks. She's cheery, upbeat. I can't help but too look at her in awe through the phone.

"And stayed tuned for a special surprise coming soon!" I say winking. I feel Hailee's eyes on me before I lean forward and turn the video off. I nod and take my phone as I could definitely feel her eyes on me even more now.

"Special surprise?" She asks as I post the video to my Instagram. I even repost it on my story just in case.

"Yeah. I mean my agent said she's gonna call yours to see if we could do a music video possibly. Only if you're down though," I say turning off my phone once the videos posted everywhere.

"Omg yea im so down!" Hailee exclaims and I lightly smile looking at her. She pulls iut her phone and sets it to where I had mine. We do the video basically the same thing we just said on mine and then that was that. I lean back and go to the audio of the song. My eyes go wide. I refresh and see the numbers go up. I refresh again seeing the numbers go up again.

"Hailee, baby, the numbers keep going up and up," I say, refreshing the page again.

"What? Let me see!" She squeals leaning over. She leans on me a bit as her eyes look down at my phone. I refresh the page again and see the numbers keep getting more and more higher. "This is crazy!"

"Are we going to break the internet?" I ask causing Hailee to burst into laughter. She leans away from me and I turn my head towards her.

"We actually might-" Hailee says still laughing. "This is sort of like a soft launch though if you think about it."

"Soft launch? Of what?" I ask, raising a brow. Hailee's laughter dies down and she looks at me.

"Of um... Us."

"Us? There's an us? Hm that's interesting," I say and feel Hailee push my arm. I chuckle and shake my head. "Hailee can I ask you something?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"I never actually asked and maybe I should have earlier but will you-"

"Yes!" Hailee cuts me off and my lips stay separated, dumbfounded.

"You don't even know what I was going to ask."

"Yes I do. And the answer's yes."

"I- But... Huh?" I stumble over my words as Hailee giggles clapping her hands together. She reaches over and grabs my hand giving it a squeeze.

"Go ahead and ask. I'll be patient this time." She gives me a warm smile as my eyes flick between her hazel ones.

I nod slowly. "Will my girlfriend?"

Hailee's warm smile grows wider. Her lips go from ear to ear with a big old pearly white smile as she nods her head up and down almost like violently before she quickly gets up and sits on my lap. I wrap my arms around her, towards her lower back making sure she can't fall. Her smile makes a smile instantly spread to my lips as our eyes stay locked.

"I feel like that took you so long to ask," Hailee whispers.

"I wanted to make sure," I whisper back looking at her lips.

"Make sure? Babe you've seen me naked a couple times and I feel like we've been there for each other through several things. There's something here and we can't keep denying it," Hailee whispers. I nod in agreement as I flick my eyes back up to her eyes then back down to her lips.

"I know but I wanted to be really really sure," I whisper back once more. My eyes flick back up to her beautiful hazel eyes just in time for her to roll them. She leans down and runs her hands through my hair before I feel her lips meet mine.

Scared of Happy {Hailee Steinfeld x You}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن