three: studio feels

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A sigh escapes my lips as I fall back onto the couch, taking the towel around my shoulders off and tossing it on the ground

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A sigh escapes my lips as I fall back onto the couch, taking the towel around my shoulders off and tossing it on the ground. The sound of my phone beginning to go off causes me to jump and lean back further into the couch reaching into my sweatpants pocket and pull out my phone seeing J.J's number pop up. I roll my eyes and hit answer placing the phone up to my ear.


"Okay seriously, I'm dying to know! How was it meeting Hailee Steinfeld and Niall Horan? It's driving me fucking nuts!" J.J speaks into the phone sounding tired.

A chuckle escapes my lips as I shake my head from side to side. "J.J I barely remember it. There's literally nothing to tell," I respond shrugging.

"Nothing to tell? Then why are you smiling at Hailee so longing? Like you wanna make out with her and get so like jealous when Niall came up?"

I stare at the ground dumbfounded at my band mates words. "Huh? J.J that's not-"

"I have it on video Y/n. Can't change my mind," J.J says cutting me off.

"Okay but I think I was the only person in that moment not you." I sit up in my seat and look around the gym. "Also why the hell are you calling me at 2 A.M?"

"Why are you up at 2 A.M?" J.J questions back causing me to nod my head. That was fair. Really fair.

"Couldn't sleep so I'm at the gym."

"The gym? What the hell? You workout?"

I roll my eyes and lightly sigh. "Considering we've been friends for several years now I feel like you should know that."

A scuffed chuckle escapes J.J. "Okay yeah but you're a secretive person Y/n. It's hard to get anything by you. You're hard to read. Like you haven't been the same since-"

"Since nothing. Hey I got to get going alright," I say cutting J.J off. "I'll see you and the rest of the group Sunday for the awards show."

"Y/n wait I-" I pull the phone away from my ear and hit end call. I didn't want to keep talking. I wanted to enjoy the peace. Like I have any. Sleepless nights are really getting to me. Usually it isn't that bad. I may toss and turn for a couple hours then be able to go to bed but tonight I just couldn't. I tossed, turned, sat up, walked around, did jumping jacks, counted sheep. Nothing was working so I just got up and came to the gym. Gives me something to do. And the only time I actually do sleep is if I pass out from being drunk but that's not usually often.

I shove my phone into my pocket and stand up, grabbing my keys as I head out of the gym. The front desk lady tells me goodnight as I gently give her a smile. I head out and to my car, however as I approach the car I feel my phone vibrate. A sigh escapes my lips thinking it could only be J.J. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone causing it to lighten up, but I didn't see J.J's name. I saw "Yorkie" aka Hailee.

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