fourty-two: two hearts, two bleeds

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I head out to the condo and onto the road

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I head out to the condo and onto the road. There I see Hailee's car but no Hailee. I tilt my head to the side walking over, my eyes searching around, confusion filling me. I stop at the car and let go of the luggage going to speak when my heart stops. My eyes go wide.

"Hey you, long time no see," a blond haired girl spoke as a gun is in her right hand pointed directly at me. Hailee being held tightly, blood dripping from the side of her head. I lift up my hands and look away from Hailee to the girl. 

"Hey Ted, can I get the usual?" A voice spoke as I turn my head to look at my left finding a beautiful blonde haired girl. The bartender walks away for a moment as the girl nods and glances towards me. Our eyes meet and I smile gently. "You're a new face."

"So are you," I say gently, both of us now smiling. I stand up straight and she points to my drink.

"Rough night?" She asks and I look at the glass then shrug, looking back at her.

"Week actually," I respond as the girl nods, looking away. "So you know the bartender by name and he knows what you normally order, you must come here a lot."

"I do-" She pauses turning her attention back at me. Our eyes meeting once more. "My friends and I come here every night mostly for the line dancing. Mostly alcohol though."

"Line dancing hmm," I snicker, picking up my drink and taking a sip. She rolls her eyes playfully. "You think you could teach me?" I set the drink down and the girl tilts her head to the side, nodding as the bartender gives her, her drink now.

"If you're up for a challenge then yeah."

I smirk. "I'm always down for a challenge."

She turns her body towards me and I glance her down then up, tilting my head. "Keep looking at me like that, you'll learn pretty quickly."

"Maybe if you're a good teacher."

"Fair play. Come on then." She turns, taking her drink in hand. I bite my bottom lip, looking at the bartender who gives me two big thumbs up. I nod and tap the bar as I walk over, following after the blonde haired girl. We get to the middle of the dance floor. This being the first time I actually hear the music playing. Luke Bryan's Country Girl (Shake It For Me) is playing. I eye the girl curiously. Her eyes look at me, this smile spreading to her lips as she nods and points to her feet.

"Awe, you don't remember me do you?" She questions and I shake my head from side to side, licking my lips keeping my hands up.

"The girl from the bar...No I..I remember," I say.

"Girl from the bar. Now that's funny because I'm pretty sure I was much more than that considering we fucked," the girl says, keeping a devilish grin on her face. My eyes narrow and I look over to Hailee who looks terrfied. I point to her and look back to the girl.

"Can you just let her go? That's between you and I, alright?" I say, pulling my hand back, keeping both my hands raised as the girl moves the gun off of me and to Hailee's head. I take a step forward going to say something but the girl steps back pulling Hailee with her. I stop and see Hailee wince. Tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Don't do anything stupid now Y/n we wouldn't want anything to happen to dear old Hailee would we?" The girl said and I nodded, slowly.

"You know who we are so why are you doing this?" I ask, letting a heavy breath escape as I do, trying to somehow calm my nerves. My whole body shakes. My eyes filling with tears but none slip down my cheeks.

"I thought we had something Y/n. Something real."

"Wha- We were drunk and at a bar. I don't even know your name." My tone was changing. I needed Hailee by my side. I needed her safe. I didn't care about anything else. I needed Hailee safe.

"My name's Sarah Mae! You never bothered to ask my name!" She shouts and I step forward seeing the gun placed right at Hailee's temple. "NO! Don't move or I will-"

"Don't, please!" I shout cutting her off. I keep my hands up and stop where I am. My eyes going to Hailee's. Our eyes meeting and my blood boils. My stomach twists looking at her, seeing fear inside her eyes. And see her eyes full of tears. "Sarah Mae, if you let Hailee go, I'll do whatever you want. Please....You got to let her go. Or let me take her place. Something, please."

Sarah Mae stares at me. Her grin disappearing slightly. My eyes shifting between the girl and Hailee. I can feel my heart beating. It feels like it's about to come out of my chest standing here.

"I'll let her go on one condition-" Sarah Mae says, pausing. Her eyes narrow and this crazed look spreads her face before a Joker like smile spreads her lips. I clench my jaw and glance to Hailee. "Tell Hailee here something you've never told her. You're biggest secret. If it's good I'll let her go. If not, I shoot her."

I gulp, my eyes going wide. My chest beating rapidly. Something feels like it's crawling through my skin. My stomach twists and turns. It hurts. Everything hurts. My head spinning as I look at Hailee. Our eyes stay locked. I nod slowly, readjusting my position.

"You don't know what I've been talking to my therapist about... We've been talking about you. And I realized a while ago this but I just couldn't say it. And I'm really hoping I can say it now..." I let my voice trail looking down at the ground. "Ever since I met you and we started talking and becoming more than friends I realized I have never felt this way about anybody other than...Nova. I've never felt so strongly and connected with someone. Never felt so much for someone the way I feel for you. I know I'm a lot. I come with a lot of baggage. I come with a lot of problems. The addiction doesn't help. The constant fear of abandonment and the fear that...That you might die because of me doesn't help either. And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for everything I've put you through and still put you through. I'm sorry you have to put up with me. But thank you for putting up with me. From each day that passes. You keep staying. You keep staying by my side, heaven and hell. And I hope you know I'm always there for you too. I am always there for you because you are my person. You are my forever person. Since the first day we met at that stupid LA party to this very moment it's fucking you Haiz. It'll always be you because I love you!"

I stumble, struggle with my words. Tears fall down my cheeks as I watch Hailee's reaction to my words, that honestly felt like rambling but hopefully it got the point out. My heart still racing. I lick my lips slightly before seeing the gun lowered from Hailee's head before she's pushed roughly towards me. I hurry and step forward catching the girl, holding her tightly against me. Her arms instantly wrap around me and as much as I wanted to run for it and get her safe, we couldn't.

Quickly after a second I move and move Hailee behind me. Her arms wrap around my arm as I keep it wrapped around her. I keep my other hand up and look back and forth between Sarah Mae's eyes. The gun is pointed at us and I clench my jaw, feeling it tighten as I keep my hand up, nodding. She shakes her head and a loud bang appears followed by another and another.

Scared of Happy {Hailee Steinfeld x You}Where stories live. Discover now