Alternative Ending

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Alternative Ending


The sky was tranquil it was a blaze of dull colours. Well it did suit the occasion very well. Here I stood in a black suit with a black tie, in front of my mate's coffin...

"- ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We commit this body to the earth," the minister's voice said also known as my father's voice. I looked down at the wet grass, nothing could change the fact that Sophie, my beloved mate was now gone. Nothing could bring her back. I had decided to bury her in a place that I hoped to buried when my time came. In a place which I had once loved as a child, so many happy memories were here, memories that I had never even got to share with Sophie. I had decided to make my child hood favourite place into a grave yard for me and my family. Even though I and Sophie were never married I would still love her for all eternity.  I watched as they lowered Sophie's body into the ground. My family, Grace, Tyler, Sam and Sophie's family were here as well. I didn't particularly want to have Chris here but I let him come to pay his respects after all he did lose his daughter but I had lost the only women I could ever love! I watched as they covered the coffin up with earth and everyone placed a single rose on top of the heap. I felt so alone, no one had understood that my heart had been ripped out and had been placed somewhere unusual! I was the last to put the flower down however I put down a stuffed toy of a purple monkey, remembering that my mate liked the colour purple and monkeys.

The rain started hammering down as soon as the service was over and everyone had gone back to my pack house. I was still standing here getting drenched and soaked by the rain. I just sat down on the grass in front of Soph's grave, I couldn't believe she had actually gone and there was nothing that could bring her back, not even the slightest plea could bring her back.

Nothing what's so ever?

I literally would do anything to hear Sophie sing again, when she first sang to Trixie it was like an angel had come down from heaven and had blessed her with this beautiful voice that would make any man happy. The way she could cook, was so unbelievable for a girl her age, I still couldn't believe she was sixteen, fifteen when she found out about cancer! Too young, too young to die, too young to fight a terrible illness... too young to not live.

It seemed like years that she had passed but it hadn't even been one week, it had only been five days. I didn't want her body to wait ages for a burial so I had asked my father to do it as soon as possible. He prayed to the moon goddess, something I never did since I thought it was a waste of time. Praying to someone who may or may not even exist sounded stupid. Even though I was an alpha I didn't act the traditional way, but I wish that I did because it may have given my mate more time.

I stood up eyeing Sophie's gravestone. I wish that it would have been

Sophia Olivia Carter

Instead of 'Taylor' like in my dream, however that couldn't happen since we weren't married.

I started to turn around but I felt a thin breeze circle around me. I walked a few steps and it seemed like the breeze followed me.

"Ash," a voice whispered.

"Who is this?" I asked in my gruff voice.

"I love you, don't forget that," the voice answered.

"I love you too Sophie so much more than you could ever imagine," I found myself saying without warning.

"Don't forget me, my love," the voice faded.

"I won't, I promise. Love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes in all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends and my love for you Sophie will never end, I promise sweetheart," I promised and looked up at the sky.

This was it.... My mate was gone....



This is the other ending and originally the main epliogue but I've changed it since I was told the other one was nicer and this one was too sad but yeah thank you for reading my story it means the world to me!!

greenlilly99 (Dhana)

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