Chapter 12

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 (Notification) I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone, it was Margo! I quickly went to see what he said "hey Millie, movies tonight at 7?" I blushed. Act like you don't care Millie"yeah, sure" I said "okay great!" Said Margo dang it maybe I was to care free? "Ugh, what do I wear!?" I shouted in frustration Jazmin bursted into my room "do you have a date?!" She asked as she sat on my bead "yeah why" I said throwing the closet out of my closet "oh my god my baby sister finally got a boyfriend!" Said Jazmin "oh shit up jazz I'm only a year younger!" I wined "yeah so my baby sister" she said "hey didn't it take you a while before you started dating?!" I yelled "yeah well that's because it's hard to tell if they're straight or not! You have it much easier " she said "ugh whatever!" I yelled "just help me pick out my outfit" I said glaring at her "fine fine" she said "let me look" she said as she nudged me aside "um how about this?" She asked. It was a red crop top with white baggy jeans with black converse. "Sure" I said "and I'll add maybe a gold necklace and flower earrings" said Jazmin "ugh jaz don't you think that's a bit much?" I asked "no no you'll look so cute!" She said "ugh fine" I said "now try it on" she said as she handed it to me "fine" I said as I walked to the bathroom. Once I got it all on I showed jaz and she loved it "great now time for makeup" said jaz "oh okay" I said as I sat in the chair in front of my vanity Once it was all done I looked into the reflection of myself my blond curly hair was pinned back a bit in the front. "I love it!" I said smiling "me to" she laughed now come on I'll drive you there"masáis jaz "okay" I said as we walked to the car.

"Okay where here" said jaz I looked out the window of the car to wee Margo standing in front of the theater "oh he's here I should get going now" I said "okay bye love you" said jaz "I love you to" I said as I shut the car door I walked up to him from behind I put my hands on his shoulder as he jumped"oh my jeez you scared me" he shouted "sorry I didn't mean to startle you" I laughed "it's okay I should have been more aware of my surroundings" he laughed "yeah, anyway let's get going before we miss the movie" I said as I grabbed his hand and ran in "wow" I said "what you've never seen a movie theater?" He said sarcastically "no I haven't actually" I said "wait really!" He psaid "yeah my life has been very hectic I haven't had time to" I laughed nervously "oh wow well I have a lot to show you" Margo laughed "yeah I guess so" I laughed. We sat down in our seats with a big popcorn and a pizza "wow the screen is so big!" I said "wow you weren't kidding when you said you've never been here before" he laughed "what do you think I was lying?" I said he just stared at me "I'm just messing with you it's fine" I laughed "wait what movie are we watching?" I asked "the new avengers movie" Margo said "ohh okay!" I said "okay shh the movie is starting" said Margo I nodded then turned to the screen. About an hour in, I fell asleep Margo turned his head to look at me "she's so cute" . He thought to himself he smiled then turned back to the screen. "Millie" whispered Margo as he healed down to look at me "huh" I said as I opened my eyes to see Margo looking at me "the movies over" he said "oh okay" I said as I got up "sorry I fell asleep, was the movie good?" I asked "no it's fine you were cute when you were sleeping" he smiled "and yes the movie was really good!" He said "aw dang it I have to rewatch it" I said Margo laughed come on I'll bring you home" said Margo "no it's okay I can just ask my sister to pick me up" inside "no it's totally fine your house is on the way actually" said Margo "oh well okay then" in said we started walking to his car.

Once we got to my house I invited Margo inside "since we're here would you like to come inside?" I asked "sure" said Margo as we both got out of the car I opened the door as I saw my sister waiting for me "oh I didn't know you were inviting him inside" said jaz surprised "oh yeah I thought we could chill in my room"I said as I turned to look at Margo then back at jaz "oh okay, I'll leave you guys to it then" said jaz as she walked away "sorry about her" i said "no it's fine" said Margo "okay" he I said as we walked to my room "wow I like your room" said Margo "thanks, what should we do?" I asked "how about we play a board game?" said Margo "sure I have a monopoly or clue? I said "we should play clue" and Margo, "okay" I said then placed it on the ground and we started playing. After about 30 minutes of playing Margo finally won! "Oh my god how did you win?" I asked "I actually have no idea" we both laughed "what should we do know?" I asked "I should probably get going home now" he said "oh really okay" I said "yeah sorry, bye" he said as he hugged me "bye" I said as I shut my door. The second he left jaz walked in and shut my door "soo.. how'd it go?" She asked "it was fine" I said "what did you do??" Asked jaz "oh nothing just played a board game that's all" I said "you guys are so lame you're invited A guy you like to your house and all you do is play bored games" she said "well what did you do when you hung out with Abby?" I asked "we had a girls night we did our nails and hair went or the spa went out for dinner" said jaz "ugh you have it easier I can't go to a spa and do my nails and hair with him" I complained "I know" said jaz I just glared at her "speaking of Abby, Abby's coming over" said jaz "can I just hang out with you guys?" I asked "no we have some stuff to do" said jaz "like what?" I asked "none of your business" Jaz said then walked out of my room. In the morning I walked to his house to see him waiting outside "Margo can I talk to you?" I asked "Millie-sure" he said "I don't think this relationship is working" I said "what" he said "Margo I really you but I don't like you like that" I said "I need to find myself" I said he just looked at me "I understand" he said then walked into his house as tears ran down my face, I knew I made the right decision.

When I walked into the house "where were you?" Asked jaz "I broke up with Margo" I said in tears "oh my why?" Asked jaz "because I need to find myself first I'm not ready to be in a relationship" I said in tears "and that's okay" she said as she hugged me. "Come on me and Abby will help you" she said I nodded then we walked into the room. "Millie what happened?!" Asked Abby "I broke up with Margo" I said in tears as I sat next to her "I'm so sorry to hear that, may I ask why?" She asked "she said "she needs to find herself she's been questioning some stuff lately" said jaz "oh that's okay" said Abby "I don't know I'm not okay after my parents dying and being with Margo just made it even more hard to have to look after someone else and give him. More attention than myself" I said "it's okay girl I think dating right now just isn't for you okay take a break and find yourself first" said abby "thanks maybe just find a good friend you can trust first" said Abby "okay I'll do that" I said "I'm going to go to bed" I said "okay" they said as I walked out of the room. In the morning it was time for school so I got up and got ready so my grandma drove me to school. In first period, I sat by this girl named Emily "hi I'm Emily"whispered Emily "hi I'm Millie" I whispered back and ever since then we have been friends. "Grandma, I'm going to Emily's house okay?" I said grandma walked in "okay honey have fun I'll see you tomorrow" said grandma "I'm not staying the night "well you are now" said grandma as she towed my bag at me "okay fine!I said then walked to her house. I knocked on the door.

"Hey Emily!" I said "hi" said Emily as she hugged me "come in" she said "okay" I said as i walked in "wow your house is so pretty" I said "thanks,let's go to my room " said Emily "okay" I said then we walked to her room "your rooms even prettier than the rest of your house" I said smiling "thanks" she said as she smiled back "what should we do?" I asked "I'm not sure maybe we can"-"you have a cat!?" I asked excitedly "oh yeah that's coco" Emily said the more I looked at her the more I realized how pretty she was "aw coco is a cute name" I said "you can hold him if you want" said Emily "okay" I said as I picked her up "hi coco" I said as I tickled her tummy "she's so fluffy, I'm dying from cuteness!" I said she laughed "what why are you laughing?l"I asked "no reason I just realized how cute you are" she laughed as I blushed "I-I-I'm hungry hungry is there something I can eat?" I asked "um yeah she said there chips downstairs if you want to grab some" said Emily "okay" I said as I ran downstairs

Emily smile quickly faded "ugh what is wrong with you, she's probably straight" she said in frustration "why did I do that!" I overheard her talking when I came upstairs "she's like the straightest person i've ever meet ugh what is wrong with me" she yelled in frustration as i single tear ran down her face, I watched her from the crack in the door before I knocked on the door before I came in "I'm back with the chips!" I said she quickly wiped away her tears before I could see but I saw everything. "Great im so hungry" said Emily I pulled out my phone and pretended like I for a text "oh my grandma want me home I should go now" I said "oh okay" She said then I walked out the door and shut it the tiniest bit but I heard something when i walked down the stairs so I thought I would check on her I looked through the crack "se look what you did you scared her off" she said in tears I couldn't stay any longer so I left. 

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