Chapter 10

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I rolled up my sleeves and they stared at me in shock before mom ran to me and grabbed my arm "she did this to you?" She said in tears she stared at the bruises on my arm and the cut on my face "Millie" cried Jazmin as she ran to me and hugged me "I'm so sorry it's all my fault this happened" I said "what are you talking about?" Asked dad "when I went to live with uncle mike I knew she was out of jail" i said quietly "what, why would you do that if you knew?!" He yelled I knew he was upset at me but I could help but wonder why Mike would let me come live with him if he knew it wasn't safe. "I'm sorry I had a project due and it was about our family tree but you always avoided telling me about it" I said "I'm so sorry so this was all my fault" dad said "it's fine but she's coming after you dad she want to kill your and she not stop until she does" I said his eyes opened wide "what?" He said "you heard me right" I said then ran to my room jazz followed.

I sat on my bad and so did Jazmin "I'm so sorry that all happened" said Jazmin "but it's all over now" she said "no no no no it's not she won't stop until she gets him" I cried "no she won't I promises" said jazmin "yes she will, you don't understand!" I screamed then ran out of the house "Millie wait!" Screamed mom and dad but I just kept running and running. "Mom dad, why aren't you chasing after her!?" "Jazmin she's just upset she'll be back" said dad "no no no she was saying how Violet won't stop till you're dead but she doesn't want to kill him entirely she just wants to kill someone to get their belongings like money!" I cried "Jazmin stop making stuff up!!" Dad screamed. I could tell he was upset but no one would listen to me!

"Max!" I screamed, running to her "Millie!" She cried "you're bleeding!" I said, putting my hand on her wound "what happened?!" I asked, concerned " What happened?" Violet said, coming out from behind the house "you, you did this to her! You monster!" I screamed "she deserves it" yelled Violet "Violet what made you change you when you're like this before! What happened in 200 when your mom died is what made you like this, after going crazy imagining Emilia!" I yelled that the wind was blowing heavily. She just stared at me then ran to my house and opened the door. "Millie" mom and dad screamed "surprise it's me!" Said Violet with a creepy grin "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND STAY AWAY FROM MY KIDS!!" Dad screamed "okay I will" she said as she shot. "NOAH!" cried Camilla as Jazmin left her room to see her dad on the floor "dad!" She yelled then ran to him "honey get away!" Screamed Camilla, she nodded and slowly walked backwards. "Where's Millie?!" Violet screamed "I don't know she ran away" said dad looking down "no she went or our grandma house in Florida" said Camilla he looked at her "right I forgot" he said "alright i'll be heading there then" said Violet then walked away.

After Violet left Camilla went to go looking for me. "Jazmin called the police and explained everything I'm going to go look for for your sister" said Camilla "mom wait"-"please Jazmin" she said as she ran off. Eventually she found millie "millie!" She screamed and I turned around as mom stood in the middle of the road "millie come here" she screamed I stared at my mom "MOM MOVE!!" I cried, mom stood there as the flashlight lights of a bus's headlights hit her "MOM!!" I screamed in tears I fell to the floor "mom" I said crying I couldn't breathe "mom" I quietly said as I passed out. The cops and ambulance showed up to the scene. "We got a code 9 a passed out tenager on sunset drive right across the street from where a woman was brutally ran over by a bus we have no license plate yet" (walkie talkie noises) I opened my eyes as I sat up panting my head was pounding and I heard a ringing in my ears "oh she's up" said and officer "hi can you tell me what happend?" He asked I stood there confused I didn't say anything "answer me please" I just stared at him I was too stunned to speak he sighed "stand up" he said so I did he grabbed my arm he brought to to a cop car with a different officer "she had passed out and now that she woke up she won't talk" he said as he he pushed me into the car so hard i screamed in tears "bro why would you do that!?" Yelled the officer "she won't speak so I'm annoyed" he said then walked away he turned to me "are you okay!?" He asked, "can you walk?" He asked as I squinted my eyes shut as tears rolled down my face "no please-help me" i said in tears he sat me down on the seat of the car "can I look at your leg?"

I nodded as he rolled up my pant leg in shock. My leg was purple and red. It had a big cut down the middle. "Did you land on something when you fell?!" He asked I thought back and I nodded "I think so" I said quietly "oh my" come white me he said as he helped me up and brought me to the ambulance "she's hurt" he said as he carried me "okay well take her" they said as they put me in the ambulance.

When I got there they stitched my leg up and told me I had to stay there for a week so it can heal because of how bad it was. A few days later the same officer came back "hey how are huh feeling?" He asked "better" I said "good, good" he said "umm well I don't know if you know but both of your parents have passed I'm sorry to break it to you" he said I just stared at him in shock "what" I said as a tear fell down my face "I'm so sorry" he said "wait where's my sister?" I asked panicking "you have a sister?" He asked, "yes, a little sister!" I started panicking even more, my heart was racing "I'll be right back" he said then ran out. He came back a few minutes later "okay we found you sister she's still at the house we have an officer going to bring her here" I sighed "oh thank goodness i was so worried" I said "yeah everything is okay" He said. An hour later Jazmin walked in "jaz!" I yelled "Millie!" He screamed as she ran to me "oh my god are you okay?!" Jazz asked concerned "yeah I just got a defeat stitched" I said a doctor walked in "not just a few you got ten stitches to stupich up your whole leg" jazz turned to me "what did you do?!" She screamed "a police officer pushed me into a car and the plate was broken on the floor so when i landed it sliced my whole leg" I said with a nervous laugh "oh my god" she said as she hugged me "it's fine I'm fine" I said. 

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