24 Hours To Wedding

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Maya had woken up in the bed besides Josh as she still couldn't believe that anything was happening. Her wedding day was in less than 24 hours and she couldn't even express how glad she was. A couple of weeks ago she felt like it was all forced and now, it felt so natural. She smiled as she saw him stirring and his blue eyes opening.

"Morning," Maya said.

"Morning," Josh said, his voice groggy as Maya smiled.

"What you smiling at?" Josh asked.

"Nothing," Maya said.

"Come here you," Josh said as he pulled Maya closer to him, gently kissing her.

"I have to face my mother," Maya said as Josh nodded.

"I know you do. Want me to come with?" Josh asked taking Maya's hand in his, rubbing his finger over it.

"No, it's something I have to do on my own," Maya said.

"Okay then. I'll see you later tonight. We still on?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

"Yeah, I'll see you then," Maya said kissing him as she got up from bed.

Maya's morning routine had changed severely and she was very happy that it did. She had gotten dressed in blue jeans, a pink shirt and wore brown wedges while she went down stairs, seeing as Josh was already busy with breakfast. He handed her a cup of coffee as she smiled and kissed him. Breakfast was the one time where they actually spent time together and that time they both valued as the day got busy pretty fast.

"Besides seeing your mother, what are you doing?" Josh asked as Maya smiled.

"I'm going to go and see Abigail and I'm popping by your mom's. I want to see her quickly before tomorrow," Maya said.

"It's nice that you are trying with my mother, Gorgeous, but it isn't necessary," Josh said.

"She's going to be my mother-in-law. I want to make that effort with her," Maya said.

"And I appreciate it so much. Thank you," Josh said.

"You're welcome. I also want to finish up packing my room. I don't want to do that when we get back from the honeymoon. Am I not allowed to know where you are taking me?" Maya asked as Josh shook his head.

"That is my surprise," Josh said as Maya smiled.

Maya drove her car through the streets as she saw her mother's car outside the house. She exhaled as she parked her car and went into the house. She saw the house was messy while her mother was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.

"Wow, rough few days?" Maya asked as Katy looked at her daughter.

"There you are! Where have you been?" Katy asked jumping up from her chair.

"I spent the last two nights at my new house with Josh," Maya said as she laid her bag down.

"I thought I told you..."

"What is your problem with Josh? Why were you okay with the damn arrangement and then three days before I'm supposed to get married to him you state I can't trust him?" Maya asked.

"Maya, please trust your mother," Katy said.

"I just came to pack up my last few things. I'm spending the night at the house and Josh is spending it at his parents. If you can't give me a straight answer to why I can't trust Josh anymore, then stop. I love him, and I'm getting married tomorrow. Whether you like it or not," Maya said as she went to her bedroom.

Maya had quickly packed up her bedroom as she headed back to the house and put everything in. She smiled as the house was starting to look more and more like a home and she couldn't believe in less than 24 hours she would get married. She smiled as she got back into her car and drove down the road to Amy and saw how she was in the garden.

"Maya, what are you doing here?" Amy asked.

"I thought that I might come and pop by before tomorrow," Maya said as she hugged Amy.

"Want to come in for some coffee?" Amy asked as Maya nodded.

"How is everything coming along for the wedding?" Amy asked as she poured coffee into two mugs.

"Everything is in place for tomorrow. I actually wanted to come and talk to you about something," Maya said.

"Oh, of course. What can I help with?" Amy asked.

"I know me and Josh kinda took everything away from you and Alan. All of the arrangements and things. And I guess, I just want to make sure we are okay," Maya said.

"More than. You are going to give my son someone to spend his life with. I can tell that you and Josh aren't two people ho are forced into this. Not anymore, or am I kidding myself?" Amy asked as Maya smiled.

"I don't think either of us anticipated that we would fall for each other as quickly as we did," Maya said

"That is all I've ever wanted. I knew that you would be the perfect wife for my son," Amy said as Maya smiled.

"Why would my mom tell me that Josh can not be trusted? Did he do anything dangerous?" Maya asked as Amy looked shocked at her.

"I have no idea. No, my son was an absolute angel in high school," Amy said as Maya exhaled.

"Have you asked her about it? Maybe Josh said something or did something that makes her feel uncomfortable," Amy said as Maya nodded.

"She can't give me an answer for some reason. It's like something happened, but she is keeping it to herself," Maya said as Amy exhaled.

"I don't know, sweetheart. I have something to give to you actually," Amy said as she handed Maya a little box.

"What is it?" Maya asked as she opened the box finding earrings and a necklace.

"What is it?" Maya asked as she opened the box finding earrings and a necklace

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"Oh my gosh. Amy, this is beautiful," Maya said.

"It was my mother's and it is usually passed on to the next Matthew woman. Morgan isn't interested. Topanga has something of her mother's, and Eric isn't planning on getting married soon, so it will be past down to you then," Amy said.

"I will take really good care of it, I promise. Thank you," Maya said.

"Josh is really lucky to have you, and I know you will take good care of him as well," Amy said.

"I will," Maya said.

Maya exhaled as she and Josh were at the house just chilling. Both had a cup of coffee in their hands while they were busy watching The Longest Ride. Maya smiled as the movie ended with Luke and Sophie in the lake swimming as Josh put off the television.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" Josh asked as Maya exhaled.

"I'm feeling good, but I'm nervous about my mother," Maya said.

"Were you able to speak to her?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

"All she had to say was 'Maya, please trust your mother'. I can't if she doesn't tell me what's going on," Maya said.

"It will be fine. I promise. I think we all just need to figure out tomorrow, and then we can do your mother. I have to get going," Josh said as he stood up.

"Do you really have to?" Maya asked as Josh nodded.

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow at the aisle," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"I'll be the one in white," Maya said as Josh chuckled and gave Maya a kiss.

"Good night, Maya," Josh said as he left the house.

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