You never know the secrets I'm keeping.

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(Cover is not mine nor is the image above) 

Hiccup POV: 

"Hello, my name is hiccup horrendous haddock the third. i am the runt of this village and let's just say I'm not really welcome here because I'm a fishbone and can barely carry a sword they say but they only started to care for me once I won dragon training but after all that let's get to present time. "

I was packing up my stuff, I was to kill the monstrous nightmare today. I would not let this happen, so I packed my stuff with everything I need I grabbed multiple tunics, and fur vests, my blanket, and gathered my sketch books I have filled in all the years of drawling. I grabbed some pencils and some spare paper I grabbed my only thing I have left of my mother a small Nadder plush I was almost done with the stuff i need in my room I was about to leave till I noticed the picture of me and my dad I grabbed that as well and threw it in my basket I went downstairs and got some fish and meat with some bread and a few veggies. after that I made my last stop the forge, I had to sneak by to not be seen by the passing villagers I entered my little room I had grabbed leather some wool my dagger and metal I also grabbed my little mace I has sense I was a baby I still use it for a paperweight. 

i grabbed my basket with everything i needed and heading to the cove jumping over some logs and i kept looking behind me i saw Astrid come in here earlier to i don't know what she does but i guess get her anger out because i won the training and she didn't but hey she can kill the nightmare now. i saw her just a few feet away from me so i crept by hiding in the bushes and trees she did not notice me phew. i am good at sneaking by because how many times i had to bypass my dad or the gang if i did not want to get beat up or yelled at. i jumped over a familiar log and dodged a tree branch and i reached the cove. 

"Hey bud where are you? I'm here toothless?" i saw a black blur in the corner of my eye but it was too late i was pounced on and covered in slobber in the span of thirty seconds. "Toothless! you know that doesn't wash out." i said flicking some slobber on his head. "bud we have to go my dad h- he ugh um i won dragon training but i did not harm any dragons. and well they expect me to kill a dragon tomorrow morning and i just can't so I'm leaving and i was wondering if you could come with me?" i asked in a pleading tone. Toothless crooned and headbutt me 

(OK I KNOW IT SOUNDS WEIRD BUT ... it means when his head will touch his head idk how to explain it say you pet with hit their head against yours that's called headbutting well that's what my family calls it anyway.)

"I'll take that as a yes then bud?" he nodded giving me is famous gummy smiles. "Ok bud let's get going, shall we?" i said while tying the ropes of my bag onto his saddle he looked at me excitement clearly visible in the dragon's face "Ok i think we are ready" i said as mounting toothless. he pointed his wings downward and shot up in the sky. "Bud?... i think we should free the dragons here..." toothless crooned in agreement we flew over the training grounds and blew up the metal chains the smoke and explosion getting the unwanted attention from the berkians i dismounted quickly and told toothless to blast the door open knowing full well i would not be able to open it myself.  As soon as the door exploded open i ran in toothless right on my tail and we started to open all the cages and trying to calm the dragons by trust i held out my hand and the blue and yellow Nadder touched my head she was calm and told the others i was to be trusted i freed all the others doing the same hand trick the whole group of 5 dragons i freed the blue and yellow Nadder, the red and black with some yellow nightmare, the brown gronkle, the green and yellow hideous  zippleback, and the green terrible terror. we left the caged areas to the main arena where my dad was with his mace in hand "HICCUP WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING ON TOP OF THAT DRAGON?!" "His name is toothless, and he is my best friend and nothing you say can stop me!" i yelled at him gaining some gasps by the villagers i never fight or yell back to anyone "You're a traitor to berk to us what would your mother think you're not a Viking, you're not my son." he said all i could do is yell back "YOU WERE NOT MY FATHER SENSE THE DAY MOM DIED YOU TREATED ME LIKE CRAP MY WHOLE LIFE!, YOU LOST YOUR SON THE DAY YOU LOST MOM YOU THINK YOUR WORDS WILL HURT ME WILL THINK AGAIN BECAUSE I DONT CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY YOU HEAR ME!" I yelled back this time it was everyone's time to gasp and have shocked faces and then turned to cruel evil faces my dad was lost for words after my outburst "YOU THINK I WOULD CARE?! ALL I HAVE BEEN THROUGH FOR 15 YEARS HERE GETTING BULLIED, ABUSED MADE FUN OF AND BLAMED FOR THINGS I NEVER DID. WELL SHOCKER I DONT CARE! NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" "Hiccup... look I'm sorry i didn't mean it you could have always talked to me "NO- NO I COULDENT BECAUSE YOU TOOK THE VILLAGES STUPID DUMB PROBLUMS THAT WERNT EVEN IMPORTANT MORE SEROISLEY THAN ME AND I DONT CARE IF IM A TRATIOR WE BOTH KNOW I DONT BELONG HERE IM LEAVI'NG AND IM TAKING THE DRAGONS WITH ME AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME !!!" "NO! YOU ARE STAYING RIGHT HERE YOU HEAR ME YOU UNGRATFULL BRAT!" "No-" i said i flew out of the arena with the other dragons following behind me  i heard my father say something "YOU ARE BANNISHED YOU ARE PRMITTED FROM COMING BACK EVER AGAIN!"  "I DONT CARE i yelled back as i flew off. 

~2 hours later~
i haven't said a word sense the fight toothless crooned worrying at me "I'm fine bud" i said even though i knew he could tell i wasn't. the other dragons were following next to us they were all roaring and it looked like they were having their own conversations they seemed to be happy so that made me happy and it brought a smile to my face. the fun ended soon as all of a sudden the dragons were alert and uncontrollable we flew through mist and ended up with a bunch of other dragons with recent food from the raids we kept flying for another hour and then flew into a mountain as we entered toothless and the other dragons i saved hid behind me and toothless while we were hiding behind a cave wall dragons dropped their food in a whole where lava most likely was and hid as well a gronkle flew slowly above and dropped one fish down the hole and started to scratch itself dragons hid and cowered even more and in a blink of an eye the massive dragon's head came out of the hole and swallowed the gronkle whole as it receded down the hole i gasped in terror and then it came back through the hole a roared and started to try and bite the area we were hidden she heard me ! all the dragons started to escape we flew out of there with the other 5 dragons i helped the terror was on my lap shaking in fear before i knew it the mountain behind me broke to pieces as the queen I'm assuming came out of it. 

(Chapter one done! hope you like it so far chapter 2 will not be about the battle because we all know what happens do don't worry hiccup one legged is going to be here so yassss anyway byeee word count: 1430 words. 

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