11. Perfect ( Backstory)

Start from the beginning

"I...I got hurt during the practice match. And...and then I got into a little fight."

his frustration flared, his voice escalating in volume. 

"Oh, God! How many times have I told you to stay away from these things? But you never listen to me!"

Tears welled up in my eyes as  I  tried to explain,  my words barely escaping my lips, 

"But, Dad, they were harassing me. Didn't you tell me to fight for myself?"

"I know I said that, but not like this!"

 he retorted sharply, his anger threatening to erupt.

"Dad, please..."

 I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper.

Before I could finish My sentence, his hand rose, poised to strike me with a forceful blow. In that critical moment, Mother intervened, stepping in between them, her voice filled with desperation, "Honey, calm down! Let's talk about this calmly."

Feeling a mix of relief and sadness, I seized the opportunity to escape the tense atmosphere. I swiftly retreated to my room, tears streaming down my face as I shut the door behind me.

Inside my sanctuary, I took a deep breath, her trembling hands clutching onto her paintbrush. Determined to find solace in my art, I heard my dad banging on the door

"Y/N what you doing in there"

  "Dad, I'm working on my painting for tomorrow's competition. You know it has to be perfect."

With a heavy heart, I poured my emotions onto the canvas, channeling my pain, frustration, and longing for acceptance into each brushstroke. The strokes became my voice, expressing the depths of my inner turmoil and the yearning to break free from my father's suffocating expectations.

As the night wore on, the silence of my room enveloped me, offering a temporary respite from the tumultuous world beyond. I  knew that despite the challenges.


adorned in a sleek black blazer, I made my way to the prestigious painting competition. The venue was abuzz with renowned artists, influential figures, and potential art buyers. It was a place where deals were made and reputations solidified.

As I entered the grand hall, My gaze instinctively wandered to the seats where my parents were supposed to be. However, they were nowhere in sight. The absence stung, but I couldn't dwell on it for long as my attention was captivated by a young and strikingly handsome man. His features were impeccably chiseled, his lips, jaw, eyes, and physique alluring. Though I couldn't see him clearly, his presence held an undeniable charm.

The competition was about to begin, and the speaker's voice cut through the air, announcing the commencement of the event. The room filled with anticipation as the participants awaited the judgment of their work. My heart fluttered nervously, aware that there were far superior paintings among the hundreds of entries.

To My surprise, the speaker called out my name as the winner. Disbelief washed over me as she accepted the accolade. I couldn't help but feel a pang of mixed emotions. Winning meant there would be no argument at home today, but it also left me with an emptiness, as if the victory was hollow.

As the competition concluded, I stepped outside, seeking solace in the tranquility of the open air. Lost in my thoughts,  I heard the familiar footsteps approaching. I didn't need to turn around to know it was my father.

"You're late,"
 I said, my voice tinged with disappointment.

"Oh well, it's alright. Your mother and I completely forgot about you. We attended my friend's son's award show, and it slipped my mind that you had a competition," 
 father replied nonchalantly.

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