Chapter thirty three - forest green

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The car quickly filled with smoke and dancing flames swarmed around you. With a single effort, you managed to lift the rubble around you and crawl out of the wreckage.

"Are you okay?", Phil called out as he came running toward you.

You nodded and flinched when you came across an open wound on your thigh while brushing dirt off your pants.

"Are you okay?", you asked in return and layed a gentle hand on his upper arm.

Phil answered with a tight smile, he was okay, but things had just reached a knew level of serious.

"What was that?"

You only just now realised that the danger had left and was now headed towards the small town.

"I don't know.", you replied in a low breath.

Phil looked at you skeptically.

"I swear. I don't know!", you looked deep into his eyes, and he seemed to believe you, "But what I do know, is that that town is full of innocent people."

Phil waved two agents over and gave them an order to return to base to get more people ready for something big.

"You, go with them.", he nodded for you to follow them.


"Yes you."


"Because you're hurt.", Phil put on his sunglasses and looked away.

You couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth, "Are you serious?!"

"Yes, Y/N, I'm serious!"

"It's barely a scratch, I'll go with you.", fire danced around your fingers and up your arms, creating patterns like tendrils of lightning across a cloudy sky.

"No!", Phil raised his voice and turned to you. His eyes bored into yours despite the sunglasses that shielded them, "Did you honestly think that I bought into the whole 'I've never seen him before' stunt you pulled back at the base?"

"I... but, Phil..."

"No, I get it. Although I wish you had just told the truth, I understand why you didn't. You don't have to defend yourself. But I've seen enough to know that if that thing comes from the same place you came from, things won't end well for you. I'm not putting you through that."

For a few seconds, the two of you just looked at each other. You fought hard against the tears. Someone stood up for you in a way no one had done in a long time.

"It's my job.", you pointed out.

"Indeed, and I am your superior. I give you an order to leave this place and do your job elsewhere. If anyone questions your position, they can question me and my leadership."

"I want to fight.", your voice cracked.

"Trust me, there is evil in this world. You will face your fair share of battles.", Phil gave you a quick smile before jumping into one of the few whole cars.

You let out a short roar and the power that had built up around your hands shot into the ground like cannon fire.
There was always this numbness in your fingertips after using your power.

You rubbed your fingertips together and studied the craters at your feet. The smoke danced up before your eyes as you took a deep breath through your nose.

When would things start to feel normal? When would this constant lump at the level of your heart begin to ease and leave room for a calm. You listened to people's conversations in cafés, on park benches, in public transport. Their conversation about how calm and boring life felt. They often referred to it as a hamster wheel. That the days often looked the same, without anything special happening. They wake up, prepare their favorite coffee, go to work, work 9 to 5, go home, eat food, watch TV or read a book and then sleep and do it all over again the next day.

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Where stories live. Discover now