Chapter fourteen - Waves of ice

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(TW - violence, very tiny amount of blood)

The feast was a success, at least for Tyrvi and Thor. You kept looking at Loki, even he seemed to enjoy himself. There was always someone hanging by his side, looking up at him with want in their eyes. A beautiful woman walked up to him with one drink in each of her hands. Your palms started sweating and the beating of your heart seemed to get stuck in your throat. Loki smiled at her and accepted one of the goblets.
His eyes met yours and you immediately shot your gaze down to the table and the plate infront of you. When did that get there?

"I thought you might be hungry, I've only seen you devour glass after glass of wine.", Tyke said and you felt bad for not even paying attention to his kind gesture.

"Thank you so much.", you picked up a dried mango and begin picking it in pieces before eating them, "I'm sorry if I seem distracted."

Tyke shrugged and grabbed one of the pieces of dried fruit on your plate, "No need to apologize.", he seemed to be thinking about something, contemplating on whether he should say it or not.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How are you?", he seemed truly concerned when he asked the question and you knew immediately what he was aiming for.

"You heard about what happened?", you asked and he nodded. You inhaled deeply, the whole incident in the clearing flashed before your eyes in hyper speed, before you shook your head, "I'm okay, some days are hard. My injuries have healed but I have these nightmares and they never get easier."

Tyke ran a hand over his face and sighed, "I'm sorry that you had to go through that, I'm sorry that you still do.", he reached out and took your hand that layed on the table. For a split second you thought about pulling it away. But you let him hold it.

"Would you like to dance?", you blurted out, regretting the question the moment it jumped off your lips. But it was too late, a second later you were on your way to the dance floor. It was as if your legs were not your own, they walked but you barely felt it. It must have been all the wine you had been drinking, because your body continued forward on autopilot.

The music stopped as you entered the dance floor with Tyke. You looked over to Loki, the woman was still standing by his side. They talked and laughed, everytime she let out one of her seductive giggles she put her hand on his forearm. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear. That gesture sparked something in you. The music for the next dance started and you hooked your arm with Tyke's. You knew this dance from back home, you had practiced it but never performed it in a ballroom. It was a intimate dance, bodies against bodies, twists and turns. You didn't mind, you wanted Loki to see, perhaps feeling the same way as you did while watching him with her.

Tyke spun you around, his hands grabbing your wrists from behind. You raised your hands above your head and he caressed your sides, all the way down to your hips. He spun you around again and you looked up to see his face. You quickly flowed into the next step after he wet his lips and began to lean in closer. You felt bad for silently rejecting him, but you couldn't help it. The only lips you wanted against yours wasn't on the dance floor with you.
The music began to slow down and you looked over to Loki, but he wasn't there and neither was the woman. You searched the room and caught them just as they were leaving the room on quick feet.

The room began spinning faster even though the music came to a stop, "I must apologize, I don't feel so good. I just need some fresh air.", you rushed towards the double doors and exited into the hallway. Loki was nowhere to be seen.

Waves crashed against the cliffs down by the harbour, the sound alone made your mind calm down. Sleep, you wanted sleep. You wanted to rip the dress from your body. The thought of meeting Ivar in your nightmares felt more comforting than seeing Loki with someone else. At least Ivar wasn't real.

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Where stories live. Discover now