Chapter four - If my freedom depended on it

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Loki "POV"

Loki was no fool, he saw what that snake Hellatin had in mind. As soon as someone even decently beautiful, walked close to him. He just had to get their clothes off. You were even more than decently beautiful. There was no way for Loki to deny that. Since the moment he first saw you in the throne room earlier that day, it had been hard for him to avoid looking at you. This time was no different.

He had seen you curled up on the window sill that afternoon. You had had your long mahogany hair draped over one shoulder, exposing your delicate neck.

Your amber eyes burned even brighter under the rays of the sun, than under the dimmed light of the palace.

But he could set aside beauty from the person dressed in it.

"Finally I get to meet your oldest, Theya!" Frigga said as you approached.

"It's an honour to meet you, Frigga. My mother has told me all about your grace and wisdom." Your voice was deeper than Loki expected it to be. He had only ever heard it as you begged his father to give your sister some rest. It had a soft dept to it with a hint of raspiness. Loki imagined you to be a great storyteller with that voice.

"I hope it's only good things your mother has spoken of me." Frigga laughed.

"There is only good things to tell." Theya answered and gently fixed a strand in your hair, that had fallen out of place.

"Everyone has their flaws, even I." Frigga said and turned to Loki, "This is Loki, my youngest."

Loki took a step forward and bowed gracefully. Locking eyes with you as he straightened himself.

"It's an honour to meet you." He let the eyecontact linger for a few seconds, before he turned to Frigga, "I must excuse myself. I have other matters to attend to."

He clutched his hands behind his back and bowed slightly before exiting the hall.

To be completely honest, Loki didn't even know why he felt the need to leave. But as soon as he left the room it felt as if he finally could fill his lungs with air. Breathing is something that comes naturally, you don't think about. You don't have to, your brain pulls the strings, telling your body what to do. But the feeling he was left with was lack of oxygen.

He would return to the circus that was Thor's engagement party. But for now he needed the silence.

In some aspects Loki envied Thor, he envied the trust their father had in his oldest son. Envied Thor's future, that he would have all the nine worlds at his feet. Loki would still be left with the title of prince. He would be brother of the king instead of the crown prince. Somehow that felt worse, less equal.

"Presented with the most powerful weapon in the nine realms, a wife and soon a crown. The golden boy is sure a lucky man. Is he not?"

Loki froze. Inhale, exhale, repeat - he tried to tell himself. He turned around slowly, a mischievous grin on his face.

"I wish only the best for my brother."

Hellatin smiled and tilted his head in disapproval.

"You know, Loki. You may be a great liar. But I find what you say, hard to believe."

Loki began moving his fingers on his right hand behind his back. Green seidr began floating between them.

A loud noise echoed behind Hellatin, he quickly turned around to see what it was. A candle had fallen out of it's candlestick. The flame had gone out and the only trace that it had been burning was the small string of smoke, that was dancing it's way up towards the ceiling.

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Where stories live. Discover now