Chapter twenty six - The avarice stone

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December 2007.

"Woah, who's this? What happened to my red head?", Phil exclaimed as you entered the diner. You struck a ridiculous pose and tossed your new jet black hair to the side.

"It was time for a change.", you sat down opposite him and ordered a coffee. The waitress scribbled down your orders with a pen she kept behind her ear, before she rushed behind the counter, "Heard anything from Clint?"

Phil shook his head and watched as you leaned over and stole a piece of bread that came with his soup.

"No, he and Romanoff are being assigned the Budapest mission."

"Can we trust her?", you ripped off a piece of bread and popped in your mouth.

"I guess we'll find out."

"I just wish that you would have let me go with them."

A cup of steaming coffee was placed infront of you and immediately you encapsulated it between your hands and warmed them as they still ached from the December cold.

"We need you here."

"Whatever for?"

"A group of HYDRA agents have taken over a warehouse down by the harbour.", Phil took up his phone, clicked around a bit and it didn't take long before your phone beeped.

"Sound a little risky to be HYDRA?", you took up your phone and found drone footage and coordinates.

Phil hummed in agreement and took a bite of his bread, which he had dipped in the soup, "Agreed, but they get deliveries twice a week via boats. So it is probably a strategically important place for them."

"And you want me to sabotage for them?", you took a sip of coffee. Too strong.

"That's exactly what we want and for you to make sure that no one associated with HYDRA will remain there."

"I'll see to it."


Rain whipped against the roof you were huddled on. You pulled the hood tighter around your face and swore at the weather.

A loud rumble rolled over the sky and you cringed at the sound of thunder. Every time a thunderstorm raged, your anxiety increased.

"I really should have checked the weather forecast before this.", you whispered to yourself.

Lightning zigzagged across the sky but this time you almost wanted to thank the god of thunder. Three men stood outside the warehouse, covered by the shadows of a small tin roof. The lightning lit up their silhouettes and you could see a waist high metal box between them.

"Well well, what do we have here?", you pressed the button for your earbud and spoke into the mic, "Thomas?"

"Talk to me!", Thomas' voice sounded lively and happy despite the subdued tone.

"How many of them in the building?"

"No more than ten."

"Do you see any strange objects?", you kept your eyes on the three men and the box.

"No, although they are heavily armed. We should try and take them out without causing too much of a scene."

Stealth had never been a problem for you and Thomas. Funny since Loki had once criticized you for not being good at sneaking.

Loki... your mind wandered less and less to him, for every passing year. Though his screams of terror still haunted your nightmares and his touch felt reassuring and loving in the dreams that were sweet. Did you haunt his dreams as he did yours? He probably thought you dead, how could he not? And perhaps it was for the best. Perhaps he now touched another woman as passionately as he had once touched you. Whispering tenderly and intimately in her ears as he once did with you. Does he read to her while stroking her hair as her head lay resting in his lap or his chest? Sing those songs of old with that softness to his voice that you had only heard him use with you and his mother.

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Where stories live. Discover now