Chapter two - Future arriving

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You watched how the endless amount of luggage was being loaded onto one of the spaceships, that was gonna take you to Asgard.
An audible sigh escaped your lips as you turned your head and saw your sister, with a huge group of people around her. Fixing her hair, sewing the last stiches to her dress, reading paragraph after paragraph on piles of documents.
Tyrvi's face showed no emotion, she just kept focusing on the road in front of her. Nodding when she thought it was appropriate to do so.

You walked up to the group of people surrounding your poor sister.

"I can take it from here!" You said and put your hand on the small of Tyrvi's back. She looked up at you with a small smile that screamed Thank you

One of the hairdressers began to contradict, "But your highness, we...", that was all she could say before you held up your hand, smiling at her. Showing that you meant no disprespect.

"You have done a wonderful job, my sister looks splendid. But I think we can manage with a few hairs out of place." The people that had surrounded your sister took a step back and bowed, before they ran to assist elsewhere.

You could feel the tension leave Tyrvis body as her shoulders dropped.

"As a princess, you have the right to ask them to leave, Tyrvi." You spoke softly while you walked side by side towards the spaceship.

She nodded and looked up at you. Tyrvi was almost one head shorter than you. You were sisters but two opposites. She was short while you were considered tall. Her eyes were forest green and yours were a deep amber. Tyrvi had long chestnut coloured hair, yours was a burning mahogany. Due to your escapades around the kingdom, your skin was more tanned than Tyrvi's. Her skin was fair and without the witch marks. You had one on each forearm. One looked like an abstract sun and one like a crescent moon. Through history it had been more common than not for the queen or her daughters to have them. Indicating that the marked woman possessed strong magical abilities. Although you possessed no such abilities, at least not to your knowledge.

"Is this your first time on a ship?" You asked.

"It is." Tyrvi pressed her lips togheter to a thin line.

You realised that your father had passed before he ever got to take your sister on her first trip. She had truly missed so much. Golden sunsets over curvy mountain chains, ancient cities telling their stories through dusty ruins and forests with animals you had only read about in books. Your thirst for adventure had awakened during your trips with your father. It was on those trips that your bond had grown, a bond that seemed unbreakable, even by death. But you had been wrong. Death took him faster than you could blink, and all the moments you had looked forward to experience with him by your side, flashed before your tear filled eyes. But you were convinced of the fact that he could see you, that he would be proud of the grounded woman you had become. People had tried to pull you at different directions all your life, but with every muscle and fiber in your body, you had stayed put. Never wanting to change for someone else, not even for the realm. If they would want you as their queen, they would accept you for the person you were beneath the heavy crown.

You carefully squeezed Tyrvi's shoulders and said in a low voice, "Well, then I'm honored to be the one taking you on your first adventure."


The trip to Asgard went by in a swift manner. You and Tyrvi barely left your compartment during those few hours. Tyrvi's head had been laying comfortably against your safe shoulder for most of the trip, with heavy breaths escaping her lips as she was sound asleep.
You had been seated with your legs up, chin resting against your knees and your book in hand. The bag of nuts and dried fruit had slowly been emptied. You always started with the dried apricots and when you had finished them you moved on to the salted nuts, saving the dried mango for last.

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ