Chapter three - The warriors three

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Tyrvi had scolded you as soon as you were alone. She had accused you of having embarassed her in front of everyone. Making her seem weak and in distress. But as soon as the tray with water, wine and fruit arrived, Tyrvi drank mouthfulls of the cold liquid. It had a distinct taste of herbs and apple. You had something similar home in Amarandis. Healing water, meant to restore energy and balance blood pressure etc.

"Did you not see, sister?" You said while you took two of the taller goblets, filling them with the deep red wine. Some drops missed and began to run down the side. You caught them with your index finger and put it to your mouth. Delicious, perhaps the most delicious wine you've ever tasted.

Tyrvi sat down at the edge of her bed and reached out with her hand to accept the wine. She raised her eyebrows, "Saw what?", she asked and took a huge sip. Her eyes widened and she quickly followed the first sip with a second.


"What about Thor?"

You jokingly rolled your eyes and sat yourself down next to her, "He looked truly concerned and more than ready to aid for you." You bumped her shoulder with yours.

"Oh please! Now you're just making things up to make me feel better."

"I'm not! Truthfully. Would I ever lie?" You put one hand to your heart and held up the other.

"Says the sister who tricked me into believing Jamberfees were real, and that they would eat me at night if I didn't sacrifice my desserts for a week?" Tyrvi raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"Oh yeah, the sacrifices of a younger sister." You barely got to finish the sentence before you felt the impact of a fist against your upper arm. Tyrvi wasn't the strongest woman out there, but that would for sure leave a nice bruise, "No, but for real. Everything is gonna be fine, Tyrvi. You'll have plenty of time to get to know eachother."

Beams of warm sun searched their way through the sheer drapes, that framed the tall window. It was the only window in the room, covering almost the entire wall. It was more then enough.

Tyrvi fell back on the newly made bed. It made the navy blue silk fabric wrinkle against the lines of her body. Her eyes looked heavy, she needed rest.

"You know what, I shall retire to my room. I will be just next door. The welcoming feast shall begin in just a few hours. You will need all the rest you can get." You walked over to the door.

"Sounds good. I could use some beauty sleep." She jawned and started taking out the golden jewellery in her hair.

"You know... I'm not sure any beauty sleep would save that face of yours. But I mean, I guess hope is the last thing that leaves us, right?" You said, and laughed as you dodged a giant pillow that came flying.

Tyrvi pretended to seem offended before she blew you a kiss and layed her head back down on the bed.

Precious sister.


"AHA! See how she crushes her enemies. Glorious!" The rumbling voice of the God of thunder bounced against the walls on the courtyard and travelled up to your window. You chuckled as you sat on the window sill with your legs flush up against your chest.
He actually seemed sweet. A little arrogant maybe, but sweet. For an hour, Thor and his friends had been training in the courtyard. The whistling sound of his hammer caught the attention of everyone walking by. It was a fascinating weapon indeed. Nobody else except Thor seemed to be able to lift it.

"She sure is magnificent, my friend! But not quite as magnificent as me." You chuckled at the statement from the blonde man in fancy armour. He twinned is mustach between his thumb and index finger, but jumped high as the hammer flew close to his ear and back to Thor.

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Where stories live. Discover now