Chapter nineteen - View

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Loki "p.o.v"

You rode in silence the rest of the way. Loki thought about what you said, about him leaving Asgard with you. It wasn't silly. Quite the opposite. He would be lying to himself and everyone else if he said that the thought hadn't crossed his mind. But he was a master of lying and scared. He had grown to care for you, perhaps more than he cared for the throne of his own realm. However, was he ready to give up something he had raced his whole life to achieve? For something, or rather someone, that had entered his life this past year. Despite that, you make him feel happier. Arrangements had been made with elaborate plans to make them happen. It might be too late to discontinue them.

Laughter could be heard from the pub that the rest of your group had already arrived at. They had probably not even noticed that Loki and you arrived a good half hour later.

He followed you with his eyes over Randi's back as you tied the horses to the railing by the tub of water. They swallowed big gulps of the water and Loki gave Randi a few firm pats on the neck.

"You know...", he began, "what you mentioned back there."

"Don't think about it, Loki.", you smiled at him and began walking to the door, removing the riding gloves from your hands.

"It wasn't silly.", he took one of your hands in his. Gently his thumb stroked your knuckles and down along your middle finger, to the tip. Those delicate fingers of yours. Fingers that drew shapes on his chest as you lay on his arm, fingers that dug into his hair when you shared passionate kisses.

"Don't worry, there's no hard feelings. I have nothing extraordinary to offer and you have your life here. I do not expect you to give any of that up."

Loki was just about to say something when the door swung open and a hand grabbed your free hand.

"What are you standing out here for?!", roared Thor, pulling you inside the pub with him.

Loki could feel your hand trying to tighten around his but your grip was to lose to begin with, the contact between you broke and you disappeared in the crowd.

For a moment, he just stood there, while the swing door swung back and forth a few times. Two days. Two days until the wedding and three until you were to travel back to Amarandis.


The pub was full of people and the air was stuffy. Loki removed his cloak and rolled up his sleeves. The wooden table felt sticky beneath his forearms, probably due to hundreds of spilled goblets of mead.

He sighed and looked over at the open space that had become the dancefloor. There you were, dancing with your sister. The braid you had so carefully put your hair up in had come undone and the waves of mahogany was swaying in the wind as you spun. Men and women alike watched, admiring your beauty. A princess, dressed in a simple tunic, leather tights and worn leather shoes. Still the most beautiful and mesmerizing person in the room.

The grip he had on his mead tightened with each man that approached you. They caressed your back tenderly, seemingly with innocent intentions, but it was tainted with ulterior motives. Loki watched how their eyes looked you up and down as soon as you looked away. His nostrils flared and shoulders tensed up, he fought with everything he had not to interfere.

"Are you okay?", someone sat down next to him and he immediately straightened his defensive stance.
Sif unclasped her fur collar and put it next to her on the bench.

Loki took a sip, "I am. Why would you assume otherwise?", he hated being called out.

"Unless you're playing one of your little games. The angry lover, but really you couldn't be less concerned.", she smiled a proud smile with her chin up.

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Where stories live. Discover now