Chapter twenty - I have nothing to promise you

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(Warning - blood, death and anxiety. Death of important character. Major plot event!!!).

"Remove yourself from the body and stand with your hands against the wall, princess.", you heard the guard speak, but the sound was muffled like it came from outside a large dome of glass and you were under it.

Your arm was wet from the dark red blood that flowed from the eyes, nose and mouth. The blood was so dark it almost looked black, like black ink that followed your skin to drip onto the stone floor below you.

Everything was so quiet, your ears throbbed and pulsed as if you were sinking faster and faster into the deepest of waters.

"Princess!", the guard repeated, this time in a much sterner voice.

You stroked the hair and craddled the body in your arms, just as tender as a mother holding her newborn child.

"Stay...back!", you hissed between gritted teeth as the guards began moving closer.

The orange glow shimmered around you, and at the corner of your eye you could see the guards taking a hesistant step back.

Swords were drawn, you could hear the metal being dragged against the rough leather.

Your muscles tensed and you bit down hard on the inside of your cheeks, "Stay away, I said!", this time it came out as an angry growl and with it a burst of orange energy errupted around you, which threw the soldiers back against the wall.

You leaned over the body but was soon grabbed by the arms and pulled to your feet. Several guards rushed into the room and pointed spears and swords at you, urging the weapons against your body.

"Let me go!", you screamed and kicked against their grip, but there was no use. The cuffs they had placed around your wrists were meant to isolate magic to its vessel. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't connect with you seidr.

"You're under arrest, for the murder of the asgardian princess.", one of the guards stated as you walked past him, brought forward by two strong men.

Your heart dropped and your body went numb, "It's absurd! I am innocent, she is my sister. My life! Drop these presumptuous accusations against me, at once."

People rushed down the corridor when they heard the commotion and among the crowd of onlookers you could make out his black hair and green cloak. The amber in your eyes met the green in his, the eyes parried between you and the image of your sister on the floor, in your chamber. Confused and disbelieving, he looked back at you.

"Loki! Loki! Please. I did not do it. You must believe me! Loki!", you began screaming as they lead you further and further away from him. You fought with everything you had to turn your head and keep the eye contact, "Please, Loki! I'm innocent, I would never. Someone must have poisoned...", you fell silent abruptly after receiving a sharp blow to your upper back, causing you to stumble forward. It felt like the handle of a sword. Loki took a defensive step forward but stopped himself, he probably knew that when it came to this, there was nothing he could do.

"You keep quiet!", the guard hissed and you turned the corner.


Twelve hours earlier, the wedding day.

A bright exploding light tried to penetrate through your eyelids. But you squeezed your eyes shut as hard as you could and pulled your covers over your head. The rattling sound of the curtain rings being pushed aside made your ears ring and your head pound.

Your mother had arrived on Asgard the day before and and for some reason you, your sister and your mother thought it would be a good idea to sit up and drink Asgardian wine and catch up until the early hours of the morning.

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Where stories live. Discover now