Chapter twenty seven - Smile with your eyes

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You expected the sun to greet you when you opened your eyes but it had long since left. A bedside clock was the first thing you saw and it read three in the morning. The blinds were drawn but between the cracks you could make out pitch-black darkness.
Your lungs burned slightly as you took a deep breath, trying to supply air to your body that probably had been asleep for far too long.

"Good morning."

The voice caused you to flip on to your back and sit up straight. A mistake, as you found yourself dizzier than ever and nauseous beyond compare. Sparks of your power snapped under your skin, leftovers from your burn out.

Fury crossed his legs and clasped his hands in his lap. His lips were drawn in a tight line and his head tilted slightly to one side.

"Have you had a good sleep?"

You swallowed hard, trying not to throw up, "Could have been better."

"Perhaps you could enligten me on...what in the hell happened?", Fury exclaimed and you could feel your stomach sink.

You had fought so hard to keep your powers beneath the surface, locked deep within. Scared of what they might do if they saw you as a further threat, to them or to earth. It had taken long enough to ensure Fury, Phil and the others that you were on earth by accident and brought there by supernatural occurences, which you had forgotten.

"I swear, whatever happened... I didn't mean for it to happen!", you surprised yourself at the calm tone of your voice, because inside you were driven by panic.

"You blew up the whole warehouse! Everyone except for you, Thomas and ONE hydra agent, looked like burnt crispy chickens."

You began to swing your legs over the side to go and find Thomas, but you found that they were tied to your bed by the ankles.

"Precautions.", Fury stated.

"Where's Thomas? Is he alright?"

"He is."

Relief washed away the worse of the panic, "No thanks to me. I'm so so sorry..."

"Actually,", Fury stood and clasped his hands behind his back, "... all thanks to you."
You furrowed your brows and looked at him in question, "As soon as Thomas saw you were in trouble, he contacted Phil. He entered the warehouse just minutes before the explosion with the goal of eliminating some of the guards on his own."

"But how can he be unharmed? He was right in the firing line?"

"Apparently, as the explosion errupted, a force field made of energy from you had encapsulated him and protected him from the fire that followed."

You watched as Fury studied you. Searched your body language and your face for answers. But you held it togheter, you might have saved Thomas's life but they could still deem you a threat to humanity. A threat like those you had sought to destroy these last couple of years.

"I didn't even know that I could do that.", you said in a low voice but loud enough for him to hear.

"And what exactly, is it that you can do?"

"I don't know."

"You...don't know?", Fury frowned.

"I know I have powers, but I don't really know what I can do. Every time they have manifested, it has been in self-defense.", you began to pick at the skin around your thumbnail, "Please, Nick... I have no one else, nothing else."

Infatuation Of The Mind • ♤Loki Laufeyson♤Where stories live. Discover now