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Pov Yoongi

Jimin hadn't say a word to me now in 2 days and I got annoyed because of it. I just came back from my night hunt and saw Jimin laying in bed. I sighed and cleaned up my stuff, before going over to him.

'Jimin-ah, stop ignoring me.' I said while changing into my shorts I used to sleep in. Ofcourse I didn't get a response. I sighed loudly and rubbed my eyes.

'Do you know how annoying it is when you ignore me like this?' Still nothing. I walked over to the bed and hovered over him to see that he was indeed still awake. He avoided my gaze and I scoffed a little.

'Jimin, just look at me, you can't ignore me this long already.' He pulled the blanket up a bit to hide his face a little, only showing his eyes and hair.

'Aish, you're such a baby, hm? Shall I just call you baby J instead of Jimin?' He rolled his eyes and I grinned.

'I saw that, come on, just say something, it's not like you will die if you say something to me.' I sighed and got of him. I walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down.

'Jimin, this is unnecessary, don't you think? I mean, okay that you don't love me anymore but just talk to me like you did before... I don't like it when you're being so silent.' I looked over my shoulder at him and saw 2 angry eyes. I chuckled softly and looked back in front of me.

'Ahh, maybe if I turn on my daddy mode baby J will talk to me, hm?' I said with a smirk.

'I will take that silence as a yes.' I said while I turned around, pulling the blankets away and hovering Jimin.

'Ah, baby J is already shirtless for me I see? Such a good baby.' He groaned and slapped me on the chest.

'Get off! Don't you dare to touch me!' I let a low chuckle escape from my mouth and let my finger ran over his chest.

'Finally talking to me again?'

'No! Now get off, I swear Yoongi.'

'Or what?' He growled and crossed his arms.

'Such a bad boy hm?' I sat down on his hips and he let out a soft high-pitched moan. My grin widened and Jimin whined.

'S-stop! Get of me! P-please?!'

'Why do you panick? It's not that I will fuck you or something.' I said while looking at my hands and nails.

'Y-you won't..?' I chuckled.

'No Jimin, I won't, I was just trying to make you talk and it worked, you know I would never rape you.' He nodded slowly and let out a deep, nervous sigh.

'Are you going to ignore me again?' I asked after few minutes.

'I... I won't...' I smiled and nodded.

'Thanks hubby.' I saw a lil smile on Jimin's face too and I chuckled again.

'Did you eat already?' I asked.


'Shall I make something then? Just came back from hunting.'

'If you want too, please.' I nodded and got of him.

'Here you go.' I said as I handed Jimin his food. He smiled thankfully and started eating hungrily.

'When did you eat for the last time?' I asked after some minutes.

'2 days ago.' He said with a full mouth.

'Ah! You shouldn't starve yourself!'

'But you didn't gave me food!'

My Little Merman~  [YOONMIN] (!On Hold!)Where stories live. Discover now