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Pov Yoongi

It was tongue- I mean Tuesday now and I convinced Jimin not to go to school today. The two of us lay messy on the bed staring at the ceiling and getting bored.

'It's hot here.' Jimin said.

'Yeah because of you.' We both looked up and Jimin raised his eyebrows. I chuckled and laid my head back on the bed.

'Shall we get ice cream?'

'Ice what?'

'Aish, you are really stupid, come with me and I will show you.' I nodded and we got in the water. It was damn hot outside. I dried in minutes and grabbed Jimin's hand. I followed him somewhere and he stopped walking.

'I need to steal it, stay here.' He said with a chuckle.

'Aish, just pay.'

'With what?' I pulled an ATM card from my pocket and pressed it against Jimin's chest.

'With this.'

'Is this yours?' Jimin asked suprised as he took it.


'Then who's is it?'

'I stole it from Kyan yesterday, and I stole Minho's too while fighting.' I said with a small smile.

'Such a bad boy.' Jimin said with a chuckle. I patted his head and we went in a cold shop.

'What flavour do you like?' I shrugged.

'Do the same as you.' Jimin nodded and ordered something. He gave me one of the so-called ice creams and I looked at it.

'Am I supposed to eat this?' I asked.

'Yes.' Jimin said with a smile. I looked at it for a moment and tasted it.

'Ah, this is good shit.' I said as my eyes widened a bit. Jimin smiled and nodded.

'Do you like it?' He asked.

'Yes I do.' He smiled again and we went outside again. We quietly walked hand in hand through a park and Jimin stopped walking.

'Look at that! Someone is proposing!' He said with a big smile on his face as he pointed at it. I looked too and saw that it were men. They looked cute together. One had broad shoulders and the other was tall and had glasses for as for I could see. Jimin pulled me with him closer and I smiled when the guy who was standing said yes to the guy on the ground. They hugged and kissed each other and Jimin clapped in his hands as he giggled. The men looked at us and they smiled.

'Oh my goodness, you're such a cute couple!' Jimin said excited. I chuckled at his cuteness and shook my head.

'Thank u sir.' The man with broad shoulders said.

'How long have you been together?' I smiled and looked at the curious Jimin next to me.

'5 years now.' The man with glasses and dimples said.

'That's beautiful! Will you propose to me too hyung?' Jimin asked as he grabbed my sleeve and pouted. I chuckled.

'Only if you will be a good boy.'

'I AM a good boy!' Jimin whined. I giggled and ran my hand through his hair.

'I will propose to you when we are older baby, we are only 18 now, you should wait 2 years.' Jimin rolled his eyes exaggeratedly and gave me a sassy look. The men chuckled.

'Are you guys together too?' The dimpled man asked.

'Yep.' Jimin said proudly.

'That's amazing, what are your names if I can ask?'

My Little Merman~  [YOONMIN] (!On Hold!)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum