Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Oh my God Rain I love that dress!" said Trish, admiringly as Rain and Bret arrived at the restaurant. Rain smiled.

"Bret bought it for me," she said. "And the shoes. We went shopping this afternoon." She lifted her foot from the floor to show her friend the pink stilettos and Trish smiled.

"You look hot!" she exclaimed. "Doesn't she Jeff?"

"Um yeah, real hot," Jeff said, staring for a moment at Rain who did not at all look like the girl in jeans and tees who did the blog. Rain smiled a little shyly at the praise and Bret rolled his eyes at Jeff who was still staring at his wife.

"Trish control your boy," he said and Trish grinned, grabbing Jeff by the chin and turning his face to kiss him.

"He's only looking, Hitman," she said. "Doesn't worry me so it shouldn't worry you."

"Shopping eh?" said Lita. "Matt you never take me shopping for clothes."

"Not much point when you hate the shops," replied Matt, with a shrug. "And Bret, I salute you man." He raised his glass in Bret's direction. Bret grinned and took a seat.

"Where's Davey and Taker?" Bret asked.

"Davey needed to call Diana and Taker was meeting Vince about some protégée of his; another generational wrestler who is starting with the company soon. Taker wants to make sure they get his story right. Sure he'll be chewing your ear about it all night now Rain," replied Matt. "They're going to meet us at the club later."

"Is Diana ok?" asked Rain.

"Yeah they just needed to talk about a couple of things. Davey is heading home next week I think," Bret said, apparently fully aware of his brother in law's plans.

"Oh, ok. You never said. Well, no one is going to be chewing my ear about story lines until I've written them," she said, smiling round at the table. Just at that second the waiter arrived with a bottle of champagne and popped the cork to a round of cheers. He poured them all a glass and left them with menus. Bret leaned down to his wife.

"I'm so proud of you, you know?" he said, quietly and with so much feeling that she felt tears come unexpectedly to her eyes. She grabbed a tissue from her purse and gently dabbed them away trying not to ruin her makeup. "Aw sweetheart don't cry."

"I'm not; I'm just happy. This is the best I've ever felt, Bret. No one ever believed in me, no one really thought I could do this and now I've got Vince McMahon believing in me. And he's the biggest wrestling promoter ever. It's just surreal, you know?"

Bret smiled and nodded. He knew how much this meant to her but again he felt that twinge of guilt over what he'd said. It had been such a flippant comment in the heat of the moment but the more he thought about it, the more he realised just how hurtful it had been. He reached across suddenly and grabbed her hand under the table, squeezing it tight.

"You're amazing, Rain. Anyone with half a brain can see that." She heard a note of sadness in his tone and turned to look at him. Her eyes searched his face and found the guilt traced there. With a small sigh she leaned close to speak softly in his ear.

"I know you still feel bad  about what you said, but it's done. You were angry and when we're angry we try to hurt the other person. I forgave you, Bret.  Now please forgive yourself."

He ducked his head and looked away from her, but she grabbed his chin and turned him to face her.

"I mean it, or I will write that storyline bra and panties match and give it to Vince!" Bret laughed out loud at that and the others turned to look at him curiously. He gave Rain a warning look and she grinned mischievously.

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