Chapter Nineteen

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Bret stretched his arms out, as if in challenge to the fans as he paced between the four sides of the ring. The crowd was deafening and Rain couldn't help the smile on her lips as she observed him. His opponent was Hunter, who was standing to one side of the ring arguing with the referee about something. Rain reflected that Hunter played the arrogant heel role very well as the two men finally locked up. She watched as Bret twisted Hunter into an arm bar and brought him to the mat. Hunter was bellowing and stretching for the ropes. As his hand touched them, Bret released him with seeming reluctance, but then drove a knee into him before he got up. They then exchanged blows and Bret was whipped into the ropes then clotheslined to the mat where he lay stunned for a moment before Hunter came across and dragged him to his feet. He started to trash talk the Hitman as the crowd jeered and booed. Hunter body slammed Bret back to the mat but Bret was playing possum and as Hunter went to get hold of him again, Bret grabbed his leg and knocked him from his feet before wrapping him in the Sharpshooter for the win. The crowd went wild as Bret claimed the victory, but then Hunter attacked him from behind. Shawn and XPAC headed to the ring and all three of them started to put a beat down on Bret.

Rain's fingers flew over the keys and she fought to keep the smile from her lips; she knew what was coming next. Music suddenly rocked through the arena and the crowd roared as Davey ran out from the back and hit the ring. Hunter and his crew retreated swiftly from the British Bulldog, disappearing through the crowd as the audience went wild for their favourite's return. As Davey helped Bret to his feet the cheers were deafening. Rain felt a stab of satisfaction. That had gone brilliantly, even better than she had thought it would. That had to be up there as one of her favourite moments since she started here and judging by the comments already blowing up on her blog the audience at home felt the same way. Bret and Davey stayed in the ring for a while, soaking up the cheers and then made their way back up the ramp. As always Bret paused to smile at Rain and as he did he noticed a large man sat just behind the booth, wearing a hoodie and shades. He seemed familiar but when Rain blew him a kiss he forgot all about him.

Once they hit the back, Shawn and Hunter were waiting with the others.

"That was brilliant!" enthused Hunter and Bret nodded, with a smile at the younger man's enthusiasm.

"We should go out and celebrate," said Davey. Bret looked doubtful but Davey gave him a begging look. "Aw come on boys, I've been gone for forever. Just one drink?"

"Sure why not?" said Shawn and Hunter nodded.

"Come on Bret. When's the last time you came out," he said. Bret sighed.

"Ok," he said. "Let me just message Rain and let her know. I don't want to be late though."

"Nor me," said Shawn. "I've got a church thing tomorrow."

"Just a couple then," said Davey and they all agreed. Bret took out his phone when he reached the locker room.

Heading out with the boys for a drink if that's ok? I won't be late back. Love you.

His phone pinged immediately.

You all deserve a few drinks after that; it was epic! Have fun. Love you xxx

Rain collected her things together after the match and decided to head up to the office to finish off a few bits as Bret was going out anyway. She went through to the back and then out onto the car park. The offices were just a block away so she decided to walk and pick the car up afterwards. It was quiet, the crowds were long gone and most of the talent had left. The crew would be packing up she knew and there might be a couple of stragglers. Hearing footsteps behind her, Rain glanced over her shoulder with a smile, expecting one of her colleagues and then froze as a muscular man emerged from the shadows.

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