Chapter Twenty Six

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"So the tattoo story was a huge hit, Rain and at the moment after his big gimmick change Taker is a hot commodity. We want to capitalise on that and so next Raw he is going to join you in the booth for the live blog. Can you handle that do you think?"

Rain considered and then smiled across at Mai.

"I think so," she said. "I'm a pretty fast typist and as long as he is focussed on the action too it should work."

"Oh he's a consummate professional Rain, just like your Bret. It should raise the hits again, or at least keep them at the same level. So you up for it?"

"Yes; it'll be something fresh," she replied. "Though kinda wish you'd decided on the Hitman; he's a hot commodity too, especially after that European tour. Those matches were some of the best I've seen him do. I like his new edge."

"Well let's do Taker first and see how it goes," said Mai, with a twinkle in her eye. "Doing Bret might just be a little too close to home and I know you two value your privacy or I'd have definitely been wanting a honeymoon story. Here take this. You'll need to wear it for the photo." Mai tossed a Taker T-shirt across to Rain, who grinned as she caught it.

Rain left the office and headed home to grab a shower and something to eat before the show. When she got there Bret was already preparing a meal for them and had just showered. His hair was still a little damp and she gave him a cuddle from behind, inhaling the scent of his shampoo.

"Mmm, you smell good," she said. He grinned and looked over his shoulder at her.

"Yeah well, gotta keep the ladies happy," he replied.

"Ladies?" she echoed and he grinned again.

"All of em," he nodded. Shaking her head, Rain slapped him on the butt and then fled to the shower room before he could reciprocate. Bret was in high spirits since being back in work. He had loved the European tour and not even the  meet with her parents had put a lasting taint on it. She still had mixed emotions about that. They had kind of cleared the air and were back to the fortnightly emails but she still had the sense that they preferred Marc to Bret which angered her after everything he had done. And she sometimes, in her darkest moments, wondered if they had helped her ex disappear. They hadn't seemed too surprised to hear he'd vanished and it occurred to her that with his contacts in South America and Spain her dad might have helped him out.

"Come on Rain! Food is ready," called Bret. She quickly pulled on her jeans and the Taker t shirt she needed to wear that night and headed down. Seeing her outfit, Bret raised an eyebrow.

"Well you need to look good for the ladies, I'm looking good for the boys," she teased, but then lost her nerve a little and glanced away from him. "Taker is my guest for the blog tonight. Mai wants me to wear this. That's ok isn't it?"

She looked across at him anxiously and Bret smiled.

"Of course it is. I mean it's my logo on your butt not his," he replied easily. "And as long as you don't wear it in bed it's no problem. I don't think I'd want Big Evil Undertaker staring at me while I make love to my beautiful wife."

Rain giggled and then tucked into her risotto. Bret watched her and his thoughts wandered. He didn't like her being nervous about stuff like this but he was having to get used to it. She didn't do it on purpose and as long as he handled it properly she soon got over it and they were back to their easy relationship.


Taker eased himself into the seat behind the desk in the booth and she gave him a small smile.

"Sorry, it is kinda cramped in here," she said, as he made himself comfortable by stretching his long legs out at the side of the table rather than under it. He laughed.

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