Chapter Eight

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Bret's eyes were hidden behind his shades but he grinned across at Rain as he passed her booth. The arena was packed out and the cheers deafening. Rain smiled back and watched as Bret circled the ring and then took the shades from his face and placed them on a little girl by the commentary table who looked beyond excited. As her fingers tapped away on the keyboard Rain watched her man doing what he did best and couldn't keep the smile from her face. That gorgeous, talented man was hers. They had had a wonderful week together, watching movies, cooking together, going out walking, talking and making love. After her confession that she loved him he had dropped the subject of her past, much to her relief. Rain did her best to keep the past where it belonged; she had no desire to revisit those memories. Pushing her thoughts to the back of her mind she focussed on the match in front of her, tapping out her blog. It was a strange match; Bret was clearly carrying  it as his opponent was a large man doing a trial for the company. Rain suspected he was only here because he was large and muscular and looked the part. He was not much of a wrestler though. Her background in UFC and  experience of wrestling told her that Bret was making his opponent look a whole lot better than he actually was; even so she was very glad when Bret won the match.

As he passed her going back down the aisle, Bret winked at her and she laughed.

"It's time to play the game..." suddenly rang through the arena. Rain smiled at the crowd reaction; Hunter was certainly divisive as she heard a mixture of cheers and boos. Since Hulk Hogan left, just after Rain started, Hunter had come into his own. Though Bret thought Hunter was average at best Rain thought he was a good wrestler. His matches were sometimes a little too long but they always started well. She watched as Hunter's opponent, another newcomer called Stunning Steve, came down to the ring, a slight scowl on her face. Steve had come from a rival company and she had seen him before; judging by the screams from the crowd they had too. Swallowing hard and forcing herself to stay in the present, Rain focussed on what she was writing. Her stomach was in knots though, praying that even if he recognised her he wouldn't say anything.

As the match got underway it spilled in and out of the ring; Rain hoped that the Spanish announcers' table survived the night. But then the action came closer to her booth. Rain stopped typing, watching anxiously as the two muscular men carried on punching at one another as they came towards her. Hunter suddenly grabbed Steve and dropped him in a pile driver. With Steve on the floor Hunter turned to Rain, much to her discomfort. A gleam appeared in his eyes and he stepped towards her. Reaching across Hunter placed his hands on her, pulling her towards him. Rain gave a whimper of fear as his hands closed around her upper arms. He was speaking but she couldn't hear him; her ears were ringing and her skin was white.

Backstage Bret caught sight of one of the monitors. The camera was closed in on Rain's terrified face. With a curse Bret ran towards the ramp and with amazing reflexes the sound technician, catching sight of him, played the Hitman's music. By the time Bret got to Rain, Hunter was on the floor and Steve was pummelling him. As much as Bret would have liked to join Steve he went straight to Rain who was standing frozen in the corner of the booth. Gently, ignoring the crowd, Bret placed his hands on her cheeks.

"Rain are you ok?" But she didn't answer; she was shaking like a leaf and her eyes were glazed. Bret lifted her up and, cradling her in his arms, he carried her to the back. Vince was waiting at the Gorilla, his expression furious. Moments later Hunter appeared and Vince turned on him.

"What the hell are you playing at?" he bellowed.

"What?" Hunter looked genuinely puzzled.

"She is not talent you stupid son of a bitch!" He was practically spitting he was so angry.

"Bret, is she ok?" Stephanie appeared at the side of her father.

"No she isn't," snapped Bret. Stephanie, seeing Rain's white face, whirled on her boyfriend and slapped him so hard that Hunter staggered back.

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