Chapter Ten

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"I need to head to HQ for the talent meeting. Will you be ok?" Bret asked. Rain forced a smile on her lips and waved a book at him.

"Of course. I'm going to be reading."

"It's sunny out, why don't you sit in the garden?" he suggested. She took a moment to answer but then shook her head.

"I think I'll stay here for now."

Bret dropped a kiss on her lips and then headed out. Rain had settled and it had been a good decision to stay off work for the week he felt. But she wasn't any more open about her past; if he mentioned it she shut him down quickly and changed the subject. He had no doubt at all that she trusted him but her past seemed to be something she didn't want to trust anyone with.

The meeting room was packed out and Bret settled in a seat beside one of the newcomers. The man beside him half turned and gave him a smile.

"Steve," he said, offering a hand. Bret shook it.

"Bret," he replied, recognising the man as Hunter's opponent the week before.

"How's Renee?" asked Steve. Bret gave him a blank look and Steve looked thoughtful. "The girl in the booth."

"You mean Rain? She's alright. Thanks for what you did out there, pulling Hunter away," said Bret.

"Well it was probably a little too close to what happened last time to that poor girl," replied Steve. "I mean it was a few years ago but I wouldn't imagine hurt like that fades too fast." Bret stared at him but then the meeting started.

"Can we grab a coffee after this?" Bret asked. Steve gave him an appraising look and nodded. They both then focussed on what Vince had to say about the next event and a few other updates before heading out to a cafe nearby.

"I didn't realise that you knew Rain," Bret said as they sat opposite one another. Steve took a sip of his coffee and nodded.

"She was Renee when I knew her. And she was married to one of the boys." Bret raised an eyebrow. He'd had no idea she was married before.

"Really? You're sure it was her?"

"Well she was a blonde back then; pretty little thing. The boys were very fond of her but we all knew she was well and truly attached."

"Who to?"

"Marc Bagwell. They were by all accounts childhood sweethearts and had married super young, at like eighteen. I thought they were a cute couple, but he was pretty possessive."

"I know of him," said Bret. "He was pretty talented from what I understand. But I never knew Rain was involved in that company."

"Oh she wasn't, but she travelled with her husband; my impression was he kept her on a tight leash.  She would be friendly and chatty but as soon as he appeared she'd clam up. We knew there was something not quite right but, well you don't interfere in someone else's marriage unless you want your ass kicked."

Bret felt suddenly very tense. Rain had never mentioned being married much less to another wrestler. And she had never mentioned touring either. His impression had been that she was a journalist for UFC which though still fighting was a different set up.

"So what happened?"

"There were a couple of weeks when Renee didn't come along to any of the events and we were all surprised. Marc said she was sick but when she came back she'd stopped talking to any of us, just stayed in his locker room. He'd bring her down to the ring with him and she'd sit by the commentary table where he could keep an eye on her. One of the boys told me he'd seen Marc grabbing her one day and he wasn't happy about it. He went to Eric and demanded a match."

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