Chapter Thirty Three

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"See this is why the Heartbreak Kid is going to destroy everyone in his path. There is nobody here who can step up to me. I am Mr Wrestlemania and even if the Hitman thinks he can outwrestle me I'm here to tell him that he will never ever be able to live up to his own hype. Best of all time? Darlin' you're looking at him. He's right here." Rain shook her head, with a small smile as she tapped on her keyboard, recording Shawn's comments. He gave her a big grin and winked. "And where is he tonight? I'm right here ready for him and he's home in bed with the sniffles?"

"Flu actually," Rain replied, though she didn't add that into the blog. Shawn grinned.

"Man flu," he said, dismissively. "The Heartbreak Kid is here whatever the injury, defending his title and giving the audience what they want; the Showstopper doing his thing!"

"Unless you've lost your smile huh?" Rain couldn't resist saying. Shawn barked out a surprised laugh at her comment and looked a little sheepish.

"I was a different person then," he said and somehow she knew that his reply wasn't for the blog. They wrapped up the interview and as they headed out back Shawn stopped her.

"It's great having you back, darlin'," he said, suddenly embracing her gently. "And genuinely, how is Bret?"

Rain shrugged.

"He isn't great when he's ill. Grumpy and a pain in my ass to be honest. He's not got a fever any more and was not happy that the doc wouldn't clear him for work tonight. But with Wrestlemania just round the corner he needs to be fully healed. That match will be incredible but you both need to be one hundred percent healthy for it."

"We do," Shawn agreed. "I'm excited for it. We've always been able to put on a show even when we had our personal differences, but when we're actually on the same page..." He demonstrated a bomb exploding and grinned widely. Rain smiled and nodded.

"I agree. I'm excited to see it too. Two of the best,"

"Well thank you, means a lot you putting me up there with your man."

Shawn gave her a kiss on the cheek and then headed on his way to the locker room to change. Rain watched him go and then gathered her things to head home. She was grateful Bret got flu while they weren't on tour and could be home. She'd moved into the spare room while he sweated it out and now he seemed to be the right side of it. He'd been the grumpiest she'd seen him since he was injured and she'd had to swallow her irritation when he was snappy or grumbling, reminding herself he was feeling like crap. And when he got too much she threatened to send for his mom which soon had him behaving again.

As she closed the front door behind herself and placed her bags on the hall table, Rain heard Bret talking in the lounge. He had the door closed but she heard his words clearly and froze.

"Ah come on sweetheart. Come sit on my lap. That's it, that's it. Aw you like that do you? Is that the sweet spot, right there?

Rain's eyes widened with shock and she reached for the door handle with a shaking hand. Who the hell was he talking to? Did she want to see? Did she want to find her husband with someone else? In their own home? Tears pricked her eyes and she pushed the door open.

"Rain!" Bret said, looking up at her guiltily. "I didn't hear you come in."

Rain stared at the sight before her and a laugh bubbled up in her throat. Her husband was sat on the couch in a pair of denim shorts with a tiny cat cradled in his lap.

"Oh my God, Bret! I thought you had a woman in here!" she said, giggling. She grabbed her phone and quickly snapped a shot of him, holding the kitten. "That is about the cutest thing I've ever seen!"

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