Chapter Seventeen

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The night in Barcelona went really well. The crowd was electric and the matches well received. Rain wrote probably the best blog of her career and everything should have been great. She was engaged to the man she loved, doing a job she was very good at and had friendships and trust in her life again after so long but as much as she tried to deny it the meeting with her parents had cast a shadow over everything. She kept hearing her dad's dismissive tone when he talked about her career and her mom telling Bret that she had walked out on her husband and would likely to it again. Rain tried hard to push the thoughts away, to focus on the here and now but the truth was it felt like her past had caught up with her.

"Right Rain, we are not taking no for an answer. You are coming out with us and you are going to tell us what is going on." Rain looked up from her desk to see Trish and Lita standing in the doorway to her office. She ducked her head.

"I'm kinda tired. I was going to have a quiet one tonight."

"Nah uh," said Trish. "We haven't seen you since we got back and we need details."

"Details?" she echoed weakly.

"The proposal, hanging with the Harts, if you went into the Dungeon..." Lita said. Rain gave them a small smile.

"I don't know..."

"We do. If you don't say you'll come out we'll kidnap you," said Trish and Lita nodded emphatically. Rain laughed and then nodded.

"Ok ok, you win! Let me just call Bret though and make sure he's nothing planned."

"We've told Matt and Jeff to take him out," replied Lita.

"We think of everything," added Trish. At that moment Rain's phone rang and she answered quickly.

"I take it you are being manhandled into a night out?" said Bret and she could hear the humour in his tone.

"And you as well," she replied and he laughed.

"Well  if they get too much for me I'll ring you," he said. "You can help me escape."

"Not a chance Hitman," called Trish, who could hear him. "She's ours for the night!"

"Well, that's me told," said Bret and Rain giggled.

"Maybe it'll do me good," she said.

"Maybe. I'll see you later. Remember to drink some water!"

"I will. Love you."

"Love you."


"Ok, now we're alone tell us what's going on," said Trish, passing a drink across to Rain who was sat across from her at the small round table. Rain twisted her bottle in her hands and looked away.

"Nothing is going on," she said.

"Ok, so you ring us Christmas Day so excited and happy, but literally days later we meet in Spain and you're barely speaking. Did you and Bret fall out or something?"

"No, absolutely not. Bret is fine; better than fine. I don't know what I'd do without him..." She broke off and looked away from them again. "I just... what will I do when he realises he made a mistake?" Her voice was so quiet that Lita and Trish thought they'd heard wrong but one look at one another's shocked faces and they knew they hadn't.

"Rain what the hell?" exclaimed Lita.

"Why would he think it was a mistake? He took you home for Christmas, he proposed, he introduced you to his kids! That doesn't sound like a man thinking he made a mistake!" cried Trish.

"Has he said something? Done something to make you think this? Do I need to kick his ass?" asked Lita. Rain was silent for a moment, as if battling with a decision and then she drew in a breath and started to speak in a rush. As she told them everything about the meet with her parents Lita and Trish looked more and more shocked and then angry.

Shadows of the Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें