Chapter Thirty Seven

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Feeling as anxious as she had when she first attended for interview, Rain smoothed down the pencil skirt she had put on for the meeting and then headed up towards Vince's office. They'd been home a few days which had helped to settle things between her and Bret but she felt extra pressure going into the meeting. She'd absolutely forgiven him for his comment while they were away but it had a nasty habit of getting into her head when she was feeling anxious. And today she was super anxious.

Vince's PA showed her through and as she entered the room she saw Vince, Mai and JR all sat round a low table. They stood when she entered and each shook her hand before they all sat again.

"I've been telling Vince that he has a real talent on his hands here," Mai said, smiling across at her nervous colleague. "With plenty of great ideas for rejuvenating the product. Our blog and podcast hits are through the roof, but I'd say Rain's real talent is the writing. I know you're not overly comfortable with the podcasts dear."

Rain gave Mai a small smile. This was true; she enjoyed them but didn't think they were her best work. She belonged in the background, not front and centre. And she was fine with that; she didn't need to be a superstar.

"So Vince has shown me your outline for Owen's comeback and I really like it," said JR. "I think XPAC is ready for a change of direction and starting to break up that stable might be wise. Hunter is due some time off to attend to some injuries and the New Age Outlaws could easily break away as a tag team in their own right. We've got Bret tied into a storyline with Taker at the moment so might have to look at an angle that allows that one to keep rumbling while we raise Owen and XPAC's profiles."

"I think Rain could get a handle on that?" Vince suggested, looking at her keenly. Rain smiled and nodded. Ideas were already zipping through her head. "What we've agreed for now Rain is that you could come on a secondment to the writing team from Mai's team for six months, see how this story pans out. You'd be learning on the job so to speak but on the reserved salary you get for the journalism work. Mai says she is happy for Danny to take on your duties in that time; he's apparently been well trained."

"I'm hoping you hate the writers' team and head back to me though," Mai joked and Vince laughed.

"Not a single chance Mai! So what are your thoughts Rain? Any questions?"

"Thank you. I am so excited for this opportunity, it's a lifelong dream. Will I still be on the road is my main question I suppose. And if one of the talent really objects to something I put in a storyline where do I stand with that?"

"Yes you'll be on the road," Vince reassured her. "I don't think I'd dare pull you or I think I'd lose two of my biggest talents." She smiled at that. JR cleared his throat.

"In terms of the talent hating storylines I think your first step is always to meet with them, talk it through and try to compromise. Unless someone is being outright awkward and then you report to me."

"Ok," she said. "That all sounds good. I'd very much like to accept the offer."

Mai got up from her chair and came round to give Rain a hug.

"I'm so happy for you," she said. "I m going to have a clause put in the contract that I can call on you in an emergency though."

"I'd be happy with that," said Rain, seriously and then she leaned into Mai. "Thank you for everything Mai. Your confidence in me has helped me so much."

"You are very talented Rain," she replied. "It is easy to have confidence in you."

Rain headed out into the sunshine on cloud nine. She couldn't wait to get home and tell Bret about the meeting but then she stopped. Scott was leaning against her car when she reached the parking lot. Rain looked around. There were a few people about so she walked across slowly, stopping in front of him.

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