Chapter Twenty Four

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Bret and Rain enjoyed the rest of their honeymoon and found peace was restored. Returning to work after their leave of absence felt very strange at first but once they had caught up with the tour in Boston and rejoined the crew it felt like they had never been away.

"Good honeymoon?" asked Steve, who was first to see them.

"St Lucia is beautiful," replied Bret. "We had a villa on the beach and it was perfect." They chatted for a bit telling him about some of the excursions they had done. Rain had reconciled with the fact he had known her in the past she wanted to forget and managed to be almost relaxed around him.

"Well, congratulations to you both," said Steve. He gave them both a smile and headed on his way.

"Ah Bret, just the man. Have you got a minute?" Vince appeared. He smiled at Rain and then whisked Bret away. Rain went to find someone from production to locate which booth she was working in and sighed. A month hadn't been long enough she reflected. She missed him already.

The first match of the night was Lita and Trish against Molly and Ivory. Rain loved that the women's division was getting more notice. As her friends did their stuff she admired the athleticism of all four women. Lita locked Molly in a hurricarana for the win. Next up were Edge and Christian, who she was delighted to see with the tag team belts taking on the Hardyz. It was another high flying match up and made her smile. Edge speared Jeff for the win and then the next match started. It was an action packed night. Bret's music hit towards the end of the night and it seemed he was teaming with Davey tonight against a new tag team called Men on a Mission. They were both big but Mabel was colossal. Rain could see that they were total rookies. Bret and Davey were carrying the match. She winced as Davey absorbed a heavy clothesline from Mo and could see the frustration on Bret's face as he tagged in. Mabel tagged in at the same time and the huge man whipped Bret into the corner. The next bit was a blur but as Mabel followed Bret to the corner he suddenly stepped back after splashing him and even from where she was Rain could tell something had gone wrong. Bret sank down in the corner, an arm wrapped protectively round his waist. As the referee approached him, Davey, thinking quickly dived into the ring from the top rope, knocking Mabel off his feet to a huge pop from the crowd. Davey scrambled on top and the referee did a quick three count to end the match, despite the fact that technically Bret was the legal man. And then, as MoM left the ring, the referee threw the dreaded x sign with his arms and Rain saw a paramedic heading out. With her heart in her mouth she watched as Bret was helped down from the ring. He managed to turn to her on his way past and give her a pained smile. Rain stared and went to remove her headset but then Davey appeared.

"It's ok, love. You stay here and finish the show. I'll wait with him until you get there."

"What happened?"

"Bloody plonker dropped all his weight on Bret's ribs. They'll be broken for sure. Look don't worry, the doc will look after him until the ambulance arrives. There's only one match to go. I'll take you to the hospital when it's done. I'll meet you out the back ok?" She nodded, tears gathering in her eyes. Davey grabbed her in a brief hug. "Rain, he'll be ok."

She sat down and as Shawn's music hit did her best to do his match against Ray justice but her head wasn't in it. As soon as she could get away she rushed to the back and found Davey waiting. He had showered and changed into jeans and a T-shirt.

"Come on," he said. "Ambulance has just gone. We won't be far behind them."

She nodded wordlessly and climbed into the rental car beside him. Davey drove hell for leather and they were lucky not to get done for speeding but she didn't care. All she cared about was seeing Bret. He'd already gone to X-ray when they arrived, but an orderly showed them to the cubicle he would be returning to. Davey went to get them a coffee and Rain sank into the chair, resting her head in her hands.

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