Y/N and Anne catch Harry cheating- part 11

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Some bad language

You watched as Tom took a seat on the sofa. The same sofa you'd all sat on less than 24 hours earlier ringing in the new year.

"Can I get you a drink?" you asked Tom.

"Some water would be great, please. My head it still banging from last night." he joked. You could sense he was trying to delay whatever he was here to talk to you about.

"Sure, I'll be right back."

You felt sick. Worried about why Tom was here and still recovering from your earlier panic attack. You cursed as you overfilled the glass causing the freezing cold water to wet your hand and sleeve. Wiping up the mess, you took a deep breath and headed back into the lounge where Tom was looking at his phone.

"Thanks." he said as you put the glass down in front of him.

"So, to what do I owe this pleasure?" you asked him curiously.

Tom cleared his throat before replying. "I've been in two minds about saying anything, but you deserve the world Y/N and I don't think Harry can give that to you anymore. He doesn't deserve you."

"Ok..." you trailed off, prompting him to continue.

"You probably know I posted some photos and videos from last night on my close friends Instagram story. I did it on there so it was safer and only those I trust could see them." you nodded in response.

"Well, um, Harry saw them and he kinda messaged me about it. He was less than pleased. I thought you should know, particularly because he asked me not to tell you. After everything that has happened, it annoyed me that he thinks he's the victim."

You closed your eyes, willing away the tears. You were so fed up of crying.

"I thought I was the only one he messaged. I'm sorry you've been dragged into our mess." you said quietly.

Tom grabbed your hand and held it tightly. "Hey no, you shouldn't be apologising. It's ok, I'm fine. I'm just worried about you and the baby."

You gave him a small smile before wiping the few stray tears that were falling down your cheeks.

"Please can you show me what he said?" you asked.

"Are you sure, Y/N? I don't want you to get more upset."

"Please. I need to know. I have some big decisions to make." you sighed.

Tom reluctantly found the messages and handed you his phone. (a/n the texts are in the header image!) You read them and you felt your heart break a little. What happened to the Harry you married?

You gave his phone back and failed to hold back the sob that was threatening to leave your lips. Tom opened his arms and you fell into them. He pulled you as close as he could and tangled his hand in your hair. Your head rested in the crook of his neck and let the tears fall. He used his other hand to rub comforting circles on your back.

After a short while, you managed to pull yourself together and sat back up and out of Tom's arms.

"Sorry." you sighed, wiping under your eyes again.

"Y/N, please stop apologising. It's ok to cry and you're not responsible for Harry's actions. That's all him."

Nodding you replied "I know, I just feel stupid. I told him earlier today that I thought we should try again for the sake of the baby, even after he sent me similar messages about last night. Then he told me he might have to go back to LA to reshoot some scenes for the film and I had a panic attack. Now I discover that he's sent those awful messages to you and he didn't want me to find out. He's not the man I married, he's becoming toxic. Fuck, I've got to do this on my own."

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