Y/N and Anne catch Harry cheating- part 8

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As planned, the pregnancy announcement was posted on Christmas Eve, and the internet blew up. You tried not to look at social media comments often, if at all, but you had seen a few, and they were lovely, so supportive. Harry, Jeff, Anne, and Gemma had all been in touch to check that you were ok and not too overwhelmed. You'd assured them that you were fine and to have a lovely Christmas.

Christmas was soon over, and after a few days with your parents, you returned to London. You had no New Years plans, but you didn't mind. Christmas had been busy, and you were exhausted. As you finished loading your washing into the tumble dryer, you heard your phone go off. Pulling it out of your pocket, you saw a message from Gemma.

14:09 Hey girl, how are you? Michal and I have decided to have a small get-together for NYE, and we'd love it if you came. No pressure, though. Just let me know xxx

14:10 Oh, in case you're worried about who will be there, Mum, Sandra, and the Selley's are coming. Harry said he'll take your lead xxx

You sighed, fed up with having to decide whether you wanted to go to things. You would usually jump at the chance. You were naturally a really sociable person and wanted to live life to the fullest, especially with those you loved. You spent the next hour working out how to reply.

15:44 Hey Gem, all good here thank you, how are you? Thanks so much for thinking of me, but I think I'm going to stay home tomorrow night, the baby is sucking all my energy at the moment, so I'm feeling pretty exhausted. I hope you have the best night though and please send everyone my love. See you in the New Year? xxx

Gemma took a little while to get back to you and you began to worry that you had upset her. However, her eventual reply put your mind at ease.

20:01 Glad you're ok, we're fine thank you. Ahh, no problem at all lovely, we understand. I just wanted to make sure you felt included, we love you so much. Absolutely yes to the New Year, wanna do breakfast on the 3rd? How is my little bestie doing? xxx

Smiling at your phone, you replied:

20:10 Thank you, I love you too. Breakfast sounds perfect. They're great thanks, definitely making up for being a late mover, kicking away at all hours! It's brilliant though, I can't wait to be a Mummy xxx

The pair of you continued messaging until you gave in to sleep. You woke up the next morning to a knock at the door. A little startled, you blinked a few times, the light shining through the edge of the curtains making it hard for your eyes to adjust. Looking over at the clock, you saw that it was 10am, you'd slept for 12 hours! When you heard the knocking again, you got out of bed and pulled a hoodie over your sleepshirt, curious to see who was at the door. You opened it slowly to reveal Harry.

He was standing there in his running gear, looking nervous.

"Errm, hi?" you said.

"Hi, sorry I know I'm probably intruding but I was on a run and wanted to see how you were doing."

"Oh, ok - sorry I've only just woken up, I'm still in a daze." you attempted to joke, the cold December air hitting your thighs, making you aware of how little clothing you were wearing.

"Ah, Gemma said you were tired. Is the baby keeping you up?"

You gave a small smile before replying: "Yes and no. Christmas was super busy and tiring, even if I wasn't growing a tiny human. But, they have been dancing around at all hours of the day or night, so sleeping has been interesting."

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