Y/N and Anne catch Harry cheating- part 7

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You were nervously waiting for Harry to arrive. You hadn't planned your actions yesterday. The invitation you gave Harry was a bit of a rash decision.

Whilst you waited, you looked fondly at the array of items you'd laid out as options for the photo. The two pregnancy tests you'd taken, the scan photos from yesterday, a pair of tiny baby socks, and a cute white bunny toy you'd seen whilst shopping last week. You weren't sure what photo you wanted to stage. You were going to talk about it with Harry.

You got up off of the kitchen stool and headed over to the kettle to make a cup of tea. You were suddenly no longer craving ginger tea, but mint tea instead. Pregnancy was a crazy thing! As you stood squeezing the tea bag in the hot water, you heard the doorbell ring. Your heart was heavy, knowing that your husband was having to wait to be invited into his own home.

Taking a deep breath, you walked towards the front door and opened it, revealing Harry with a bouquet of flowers and a box of ginger tea bags. Another reminder that he hadn't been around to know that you could no longer stand ginger tea.

"Hey," Harry was the first to speak.

"Hi, come in." you quickly responded, standing to one side so he could step in.

"Thank you. Um, these are for you."

You looked at the bunch of white roses and the box of tea bags he was holding out toward you.

"Thank you." you said timidly before walking back towards the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase.

You heard Harry's footsteps behind you and made yourself take a deep breath to remain calm.

You offered Harry a drink, which he accepted, and you continued shuffling around the kitchen whilst the kettle re-boiled. The silence was deafening.

You turned around to hand Harry his tea and were met with the sight of him with the pregnancy tests in his hands. You popped the mug down on the table next to him.

"Oh, I wasn't sure what we wanted to use for the photos, so I just gathered a few things together." you explained.

Harry looked at you with remorse in his eyes. "No, these are lovely, those socks are so cute!" He said, putting them on his fingers.

"Yeah, I couldn't resist." you giggled as you instinctively rubbed your bump, trying to lighten the mood.

He smiled at your actions before putting the socks back down and turning his attention to the scan photo. 

"I haven't stopped staring at this since yesterday." he said softly, running his thumb over the image of your baby. "Like, we made them. A perfect little baby."

You nodded. "20 more weeks until they're in our arms."

Harry grinned widely and nodded, raising the mug and taking a sip of his tea. 

"Are-, um, have you thought much about the birth? Like what you want to do?" Harry asked, nerves lacing his voice. 

"I'm starting to, yeah. I think I want to try and give birth naturally, with just gas and air or something. Who knows though, I might be begging for the drugs!" you finish with a giggle. 

"I think you'll be amazing and you know I'll support you 100%, take all the drugs you want if it comes to it!" 

Before you could reply, there was a knock at the front door. You'd enlisted the help of Gemma for the photos, knowing she was extremely creative and took brilliant photos. You excused yourself and headed to let her in, unsure if Harry actually knew that she was coming. 

"Hey sexy Mumma!" she said loudly as you threw her arms around you in a hug, making you cackle.

"I've missed you, how is my little bestie doing?" she asked, as you both walked back into the kitchen, stopping when you reached it, Gemma placing her hand gently on your bump. 

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