Y/N and Anne catch Harry cheating- part 6

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You spent the day at work, where you realised you were in fact fed up with wearing such baggy clothing to hide your bump. You much preferred more fitted clothes and you also knew you'd have to tell your boss soon, in order to organise maternity leave. Your phone call with Jeff this evening couldn't come quickly enough. 

5pm soon came around and you headed home. Making yourself a ginger tea, you took a big breath and prepared to call Jeff. You loved him, he was a dear friend, but you were well aware that there was a good chance he could talk to Harry about what you talked about, as his manager. Of course, some details he needed to know as the father of your baby and currently, your husband, but you were still feeling quite closed off and wanted to protect yourself. 

You found Jeff's contact in your phone and hit the video call button, as agreed. After a couple of rings, Jeff's face appeared, a huge grin overtaking his face at the sight of you, which automatically put you at ease. 

"There she is! Hey Y/N, how are you doing sweetheart?" Jeff asked, shuffling around what you recognised as his home office. 

You gave him a small smile, before replying: "Hey Jeff, yeah I'm doing ok thanks, how are you? Thanks for meeting with me."

"Yes, all good here thank you. No problem, you know I'm always here - talk to me, what's going on?"

You swallowed harshly and diverted your eyes from the screen, which Jeff caught onto.

"Y/N, I'm not going to tell H anything he doesn't need to know. I might be his manager but you're my friend too and he's in the wrong here, not you. Believe me, I've told him that a lot over the last few weeks. You can be honest with me, I want to help you, ok?" 

You nodded slowly and took a deep breath. "My head is all over the place." you started. "I'm trying not to stress out or worry for the sake of the baby but it's so hard. Like, every time I go out, I have to hide my bump, I pray I don't run into any fans who might ask about Harry or realise that I'm pregnant. I have no idea whether I can or want to forgive Harry, I know he'll be a brilliant Dad but he's shattered all of my trust. I'm so angry at him for that, but then I also feel bad that he's missing out on this pregnancy. This is his baby too, it's really fucking hard." 

You stopped before the tears fell, grabbing a tissue and dabbing it under your eyes to collect the tears. 

Jeff looked at you sympathetically. "I can only imagine Y/N. But, I hope after this chat you'll feel a little bit better. I have a bit of an action plan ready, but is there anything you want to chat through or raise first?."

You shook your head and sniffed "I don't think so, I have no idea what I'm doing." you attempted to laugh in response. 

Jeff smiled at you affectionately, before continuing. "Ok, I think the first thing and the most important thing to say is that this is your pregnancy, your body, and your baby. We will take your lead. Of course, we can make suggestions, but this is ultimately your call and I know H will say the same. With that in mind, I'm sensing that you do want to do some kind of announcement?"

You nodded. "Yeah I think it would be best, it'll save speculation when I get much bigger and I'm getting a little fed up with trying to hide my belly. I'm not sure how to do it though and how involved Harry should be. One part of me thinks perhaps we do a joint Instagram post or something, especially if he's coming home for Christmas and we won't be seen together. Like do we need something to throw the public off the scent of us not being seen together?" you blew out a breath. 

"I would agree that you should do some kind of announcement. It would put you at ease in terms of going out and about and you shouldn't hide your bump if you don't want to. It would also distract from the fact you're not physically together once Harry finishes filming and is back in the UK, at least until the two of you have talked and decided what you're going to do going forward. I was going to suggest an Instagram post of some kind, so that's great. It can be pretty much whatever you want, a photo of the scan, of baby items or your bump, or whatever you feel most comfortable with. We can do a short caption that only discloses the bare minimum. How does that sound?"

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