The family grows

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You looked down again at the pregnancy test in your hand, eyes tearing up as you paced backwards and forwards in your bathroom. You couldn't believe it, you were pregnant! You and Harry already had a little boy, Arlo, who was just about to turn 4. You'd been trying for baby number 2 for just over a year, with no success. Harry had held you whilst you cried, month after month, distraught that you were not yet giving him another baby. You'd fallen pregnant with Arlo so quickly after getting married, it was a shock that getting pregnant again was taking so long. Harry had been amazing, reassuring you that it would happen when the time was right and that he was besotted with the two of you and would be forever if that was how things were meant to be for your family. You believed him, of course you did, but your heart yearned for another baby. 

You'd woken up the last few mornings with an uneasy stomach, feeling a little sick and dizzy. You were due your period so didn't think too much of it and pushed the thought of being pregnant to the back of your mind because of the heartbreak of the last year. This morning though, the nausea was more intense and the smell of Arlo's breakfast had made you want to hurl. You didn't say anything to Harry, fearful of getting his hopes up, only to crush him again. Luckily, it was Harry's turn to do the nursery run and he was heading into the studio afterwards, so you could kiss them both goodbye and figure out your next moves. 

Fast forward 45 minutes and here you were, processing the fact that you were finally pregnant. You stopped pacing and sat down on the edge of the bath, with the biggest grin. The tears were flooding down your cheeks and you wrapped your hands around your waist, wanting to be as close to the tiny baby in your tummy as you could. You took some deep breaths whilst the news set in, already thinking about who this baby might grow up to be and how you were going to tell Harry. And Arlo, oh sweet little Arlo was going to be a big brother! The thought of that made you break into another sob. He would be the best big brother ever. 

After a while, you exited the bathroom and got ready for the day. You stood in front of the large mirror in your hallway and turned to the side, imagining your tummy growing again, week by week. You thought back to your pregnancy with Arlo and how Harry took photos of you every week to see the growth of your bump. You grabbed the positive pregnancy test from the bathroom and took a mirror selfie to remember the day. You made a mental note to take another one later, with Harry once he was in on the secret. 

You wondered how you'd tell him the news. With Arlo, you'd taken the test together. You knew you wanted to tell him today, so you had to think of something that could be put together quickly and easily. Then it clicked. Just before Harry set off on his first, small, UK tour, you'd gifted him a pack of guitar picks, with 'Play me a song Daddy' engraved on one side. You were 4 months pregnant and he hated being away from you for any amount of time, so it was your way of reminding him of his two loves- music and his family. You knew he hadn't used them all, so headed into his office in search of one of the guitar picks. You rifled through the drawers in his desk until you eventually found them- bingo! You smiled to yourself and ran your thumb across the engraving, before popping one into your back pocket for later.

The rest of the day had gone by as normal. You'd picked Arlo up from nursery at 3pm. On the way home he'd told you all about his day and asked if the three of them could go to the park at the weekend. You then played together until dinnertime when Harry came skipping through the door after a successful day at the studio. You watched as Arlo ran into his open arms.

"Daaaaaaaaddy!!!" he shouted.

"Hey bud, I missed you! Did you have a good day?"

"I missed you too! Yes, yes I played with Tommy at school and then Mumma when she picked me up!"

Harry Styles One shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang