Y/N and Anne catch Harry cheating- part 10

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Back to LA. With her. You have got to be kidding me. 

Harry clearly felt your body tense and he took that as his cue to remove his hands from your tummy. You pulled your shirt back down and instinctively wrapped your arms around your bump, as if you were protecting the baby. 

"You have to contractually or you have to because you've been asked and think you should?" you ask, mind racing. 

"I - um. I honestly don't know. Jeff got an email about it and told me I was needed. I didn't question it." he trials off quietly. 

"I'm not really sure what you want me to do with that piece of information." you reply bluntly, tired of having to have these difficult conversations. Your faith in him continually dwindling. 

Harry remains quiet which makes your blood boil. Knowing you have to try and stay calm for the sake of your baby, you close your eyes and blow out a deep breath. Taking a hint, Harry pipes up "I'll call Jeff and tell him I'm not going." He looked at you and you could tell he was waiting for you to tell him what you wanted him to do. When you didn't, he excused himself from the snug and disappeared into the house. 

You leaned forward, elbows on your thighs and buried your head in your hands. Hearing footsteps getting closer, you look up bracing yourself to see Harry, but instead, you're greeted with Anne's kind smile. 

"Hey darling girl. I know it's not my business so I won't push but if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you, always." 

"Thank you." you smiled, giving her a small gesture to come and sit with you. 

As she sat, she opened her arms and you gratefully accepted her offer, shuffling closer and resting your head in the crook of her neck as her arms wrapped around you. She giggled as your small bump nudged her stomach as you got comfortable. You felt your little acrobat move and gently took Anne's hand, resting it where you could feel movement. You kept your hand on top of hers. 

"It's the best feeling ever isn't it?" Anne whispers, emotion evident in her voice as she felt her first grandchild move. You loved Anne so much and you'd never felt more closely connected to her now you were about to become a Mum yourself. 

You nodded in response. Harry soon returned, a guilty look on his face as he saw you cuddled up with his Mum. 

"Um, Jeff is going to look into it all, the legal side of it." he said sheepishly, not knowing if you'd told Anne what had happened. 

"Ok." you replied quietly, the tension in the room unbearable, a complete shift from 10 minutes ago when Harry was enjoying spending time with his baby. 

"How about we test some of the old wives tales to predict the baby's gender?" Anne says, keen to ease the tension. 

"Sure!" you said, genuinely thinking it could be fun. Harry nodded in agreement, a small smile etched on his face as he sat down on the sofa, the other side of his Mum.

Anne pulled out her phone and stated searching for a list of things to try. The first was a Chinese chart gender predictor. 

"Ok Y/N, I just need to pop in the age you were when bubs was conceived and your due date. So, 29 and 11 May." she continued. "Drumroll, pleeeeease!" 

Harry playfully leant forward and patted the wooden coffee table in front of him.

"Boy!" Anne revealed. 

"Interesting!" you commented.

"Next one- what side do you naturally fall asleep lying on?" Anne asked you.

You thought for a moment. "Right side." 

"That means girl." Anne confirmed, all of you laughing as both predictions so far were different. 

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