Chapter 14

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Arliyah's P.O.V

the next day i was paying outside again, throwing around a ball, when i heard a sound come from the bushes. i froze, and looked in the bushes. I walked closer to the rim of the forest and stared into the bushes. As i got closer to eyes in the bushes were staring at me and i jumped back startled. 

i stood up the eye's disappeared into the darkness and i stared at the spot a little longer.

"arli?" i turned to look at my mum and she's staring at me confused. i just shake my head then smile at her following her inside. As we went inside i followed mum to her room, wanting to be with her. On her dresser i saw a picture of a little girl and boy, and i swear he looked exactly like the boy i saw in the forrest yesterday! 

"hey mum?" i asked her.

"yeah?" she answered not bothering to look at me as i talked to her and she folded her washing.

"how do you know that boy?" she looked at me and i looked into her eyes and pointed to the picture and then her eyes went sad and guilty.

"i dont..." she answered me looking away. i saw a tear run down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away not wanting me to see. i looked into her mind and she was thinking about him. She was picturing his face if he found out she had gotten herself pregnant by two morons and pictured him getting really angry at her and never wanting to have anything to do with her ever again.

"yes you do, remember i can read your mind if i want to" i half smiled at her and she looked at me and a sad laugh escaped her lips. she motioned me forwards and pulled me into her embrace.

"whats his name?" i whispered after a few minutes.

"jake... Jacob Black." i looked at her sadly. i hated seeing her like this. i've never seen her upset and i don't like seeing it now. it makes me sad and hurt for her. "i think its time for dinner." she finally said and stood up putting me down and grabbing my hand, pulling me into the kitchen where i smelt fresh chicken and potatoes.

After dinner me and mum both got into our pyjamas and got some sweets and had a movie night while we waited for the rest of the family to get home from hunting.

i must have fallen asleep because next thing i know i'm in my bed waking up to the bright sun shining through the windows. i yawned and stretched my arms. i got out of bed and wandered down the hall to where mum was staying and i peered in. i saw her beautiful face asleep and i smiled. I tip toed into the room climbing onto the bed carefully so i wouldn't wake her. i crawled over and grabbed a pillow. I smiled down evilly at her then brought the pillow above my head before swooping it down and smacking her in the back of the head.

I started to giggle and i heard her moan. she rolled over and looked at me.

"Hi momma"

"Hi" she said and smirked. I looked at her confused and then all of a sudden I was swinging upside down because uncle emmet had picked me up and started swinging me back forth. I started to giggle.

The whole day I just played with everyone. Laughing and just having a good time.

"Jake please pick up. i need to speak with you. I'm sorry... please" i hear my mums voice from the hallway. i can hear the tears streaming down her face as she speaks of this jake boy. 

I instantly think of the boy i met the other day in the woods and see how mum said she used to know him. Maybe thats jake? 

I sneak around the house so nobody sees me leave and sneak out the back door and start running for the forest. I just keep running till i come to the lake. I stop running and take a couple of breaths looking around. 

"hello?!" i call out into the foggy night. 

no answer. 

i sigh and sit down on a rock. 

"hello" i hear

my head shoots up and I'm instantly staring back into big brown eyes. 

my face lights up instantly "hi!" i jump from the rock and stare up at him. 

he just stares back not saying anything. he looks sort of sad. 

"are you okay?" i ask him, he just looks down. i look into his mind and all he's thinking about is my mums face. So this IS jake!!

"why are you thinking of my mum?" i ask him. 

"what?!, how did you know that?"

"i saw it" i blush and look away. 

"just like Bella and Renesmee.." he whispers to himself and looks down. "what's your name?"

"my names Arliyah" i smile at him. 

"and Renesmee is your mum?" he asks calmly but i can tell he's getting a bit angry by his tone of voice. 

"y-yes" i answer getting scared of his now trembling body. he looks down and sees my scared face and instantly stops shaking. his face softens and he bends down so we are eye to eye level. 

"don't be scared, i won't hurt you. i'm sorry for getting angry" i calmed down and look into his eyes and see that he is telling the truth. 

"thats okay" i say.

"C'mon lets take you home your mums probably freaking out!" he chuckles to himself and starts to walk back to the house.

"Wait!" i call stopping him. "i will only go home if you talk to mum when we get there"

"Arliyah i don't think that--" he stops when he sees tears brim the ridges of my eyes threatening to spill over any second.

he sighs and rubs his face "fine" 

"YAYYYYY!" i squeal and run up and grab his hand and start skipping home. 

Dark Beauty ; Renesmee series #1Where stories live. Discover now