"What do we do if that's the case?" he uneasily asked.

"We improvise," Chifuyu answered with a shrug, making Takemichi sweatdrop.

"I don't-"

"Exactly," Danny agreed, making her brother's jaw drop. "Even if they have a hundred guys, we'll be able to handle them. If Taiju does get past us and the other guys hold us back, he'll be up to you, so good luck." She flashed him a grin and two thumbs-up.


As Takemichi and Chifuyu dismounted the bike, Danny let out a whistle. "Lookin' good, Take," she said with a grin upon seeing him wearing the white sash along with his uniform. She had her own that Peh had given her last week, but seeing her brother wearing something that showed that the person had strength gave her a sense of pride.

The trio continued walking until they reached the church. Danny, despite never being the religious type had, in fact, been here before for drawing studies. After all, it was one of the few places she could visit that had Western architecture. 

"So, this is the place?" Takemichi asked as they stopped in front of the massive building.

"Yep. It's your time to shine, Take," Danny said with a smile as she patted his back.

"Right." He nodded. "I'll convince Hakkai. He's probably already inside. While I do that, you guys hold off Taiju."

"Takemitchy," Chifuyu said as he patted his back, "stopping Taiju is important, but the future will only change if you can change Hakkai's mind."

"Break a leg," Danny said with a grin.

Takemichi nodded as he looked at his sister. For once, he was grateful for the morbid excitement that swirled in her darker eyes. While the sight still set him on edge, he knew that this was the right time for that type of mindset. "Got it. Leave this to me!" With that, he left the pair and entered the church.

Eager for the upcoming fight, Danny pulled herself up onto the stone ledge that was next to the bottom of the stairs before kicking her feet back and forth like an excited child. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she watched for any sort of movement in the snow-covered lot.

While Chifuyu was relatively used to the sight of Danny being so excited for a fight, he still found it a bit odd that a girl was so eager to punch some teeth in. His entire life, he was under the impression that all girls disliked violence and liked cute things, yet here's someone the complete opposite. She loves to fight as much as Baji, likes gorey manga and movies, and is all over the place. 

"So, what are we gonna do if the entire Black Dragon Gang shows up?" Chifuyu asked after a few minutes, catching Danny's attention.

She gave him a toothy grin as she looked down at him from her perch. "How many guys can you take?"

A sly smirk made its way to his face at the question. "At least thirty, I'd say."

She nodded. "Well, if they bring a hundred men, that means I'll have seventy. I think I could deal with that."

Yep, Danaju Hanagaki, a wolf among coyotes when it comes to the delinquent world and a black sheep when it comes to other girls. She truly was one of a kind.

Soon enough, the sound of countless motorcycles echoed through the night, bringing a smirk to Danny's face. "Looks like the rat lied~" she mused before she spotted Taiju's towering form walking through the shallow snow.

"Koko, Inui," he said as both males followed after him, "make sure you kill them."

"Whatever you say, Boss," Kokonoi replied with a smirk as he locked eyes with Danny for a moment.

Chifuyu clicked his tongue as he glared at the three.

"We'll be done with these guys in two minutes, Fuyu. After that, we'll take care of the main course," Danny said with a smirk as she hopped down from the ledge, her knees bending slightly from the landing. Then, she quickly tied her hair into a sloppy bun.

With a hesitant nod, Chifuyu agreed. Her plans up to this point have all succeeded, so he had no reason to not trust her. If she thought that Takemichi would be fine on his own for a few minutes, he would have to trust that she was right.

Taiju walked past the pair, leaving them with the growing number of Black Dragon members that filled the area. From the sight alone, Danny could feel her heart beating faster. Not from nervousness, no, it was far from that. She felt absolute joy from the sight. But, she knew that she had to make this quick. There wasn't any time to savor the thrill.

As soon as the doors closed behind Taiju, Inui and Kokonoi charged at Chifuyu and Danny, respectively. Danny easily dodged Kokonoi's initial punch before sending her own aimed at his face. With a smirk still present on his features, he dodged before being forced to block a kick that was aimed at his side.

"Heh. You really are strong for a chick," he commented as he sent a punch at her, that she had to block.

"Aw, cat's outta the bag, huh?" Finally, her fist met his face, making him stumble back a couple of steps as he held his nose. "Not that my gender has anything to do with kicking yours and then Fuck-face's ass." Before she could even move to continue the assault, the shifting of snow just to her right and the sound of what she assumed was a leg caught her attention, making her quickly sidestep to avoid the kick that was aimed at her back. A chuckle left her lips at the furious expression Inui wore. "Oi, Fuyu," she directed her gaze at the blonde who had a scratch on his face, "I got it handled out here. Go on and help Take."

"Right!" He quickly nodded, trusting her to be able to handle herself until the help he called arrived. 

Her eyes went back to the duo just in time to see Inui swing a metal pipe at her head. She immediately dropped down to a partial split before swinging her legs at his, successfully making contact and knocking him to the ground. The second after, as Kokonoi was going in for a hit, she kicked her legs up, connecting with his jaw, before using her hands to push herself back up. Her boots slid slightly on the snowy ground, but she kept her footing as she lowered herself, preparing for any other impending attacks. "And here I thought you two were just below Taiju in strength," she said with a smirk as they both regained their footing. "Yet, here you are, getting your asses handed to you by a girl." She laughed a bit. "Cinderella and Prince Charming were just all talk, huh?"

You could almost hear the snap of the two boys' patience before they charged at her again. The other hundred members of Black Dragon watched with wide eyes as two of their Captains fought the lone girl. Even if it had been a guy going up against the pair, it should have been nearly impossible to stand on even ground against one of them, much less both of them. But, here she was, going toe-to-toe, hit-for-hit with just as much ferocity as a beast. Not a single one of the Black Dragon members was a coward, not in the least. But watching the three fight brought a sense of inferiority. It made them feel like they would never reach that level of strength.

Inui's punch flew right by Danny's ear, narrowly missing the spot on her face that he had aimed for. Seeing a brief opening, Danny grabbed his wrist and forearm before planting her feet firmly on the smoothed ground. In one swift movement, she swung him over her shoulder and threw him straight into Kokonoi, making them both harshly hit the ground. Heaving out a heavy breath, she stretched her limbs. "Oi, oi, oi. I thought Taiju told you guys to kill me?" she mocked with a challenging smirk. In the next second though, it dropped slightly as she heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle pulling to a stop nearby.

~I think I've said this before, but I love writing Danaju so damned much. Violent, strong, and smart, so much fun to write:) 

Also, the other day I had to tell myself that I could actually take a break lol. I've got 9 chapters that just need to be read over and edited, so I definitely have some wiggle room for if I get into a slump. Anyway, till next time!!~

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