daycare - 03z

93 2 2

sorry for disappearing 😁 i have no excuse i just got lazy and forgot wattpad existed


Kyungmin waited patiently at the entrance of the school, occasionally checking his watch as he waited for the clock to strike.

He was picking Jieun— Dawit's daughter— up from daycare that day, as the older was too busy at work to pick her up and Kyungmin just so happened to be available. It wasn't unusual, the two of have known each other for years and Kyungmin was practically Jieun's blood uncle.

A few other parents waited with him, chatting with each other until their children were finally dismissed. Finally, the bell rang and all of the kids came bursting out like confetti in a canon. They ran to their parents and started babbling about their day.

Now was the time Jieun should be launching herself into Kyungmin's arms, but she wasn't. In fact, he couldn't even find her in the sea of children. Worried, he began walking towards the daycare and into the building.

He tried looking for her, but even the combination of squinting his eyes and his glasses wasn't enough for him to find the little girl. Curses grew in his head as he saw no sign of her.

Just as he was looking, he bumped into someone, almost falling down on his ass if it weren't for the hand that helped him stabilise himself.

"Woah, are you okay?" The man asked worriedly. Kyungmin nodded shyly open seeing his face. He was handsome, that's for sure. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"You must be Kyungmin-ssi, Dawit hyung's friend? Are you looking for Jieun?"

"Yes! Have you seen her?!" Kyungmin shot up upon the mention of his niece's name. The man nodded his head. "She just finished up in the bathroom, she should be here in three, two-"


"And one."

Just as the man predicted, Jieun came running and latched herself onto Kyungmin's leg, the brunette crouching down to pick her up and carry her in his arms.

"Jieun-ah! You scared me for a second there. I thought you decided to leave oppa and start a life on Mars!" He pouted, nuzzling into the girl's cheek as she let out happy giggles.

Kyungmin turned to the man in front of him with a smile. "You were right, stranger. But, uhm… how do you know who I am? And how did you know she was in the bathroom..?"

"It's not like that! I'm Keum Donghyun, her teacher. Dawit hyung and I are friends. He likes to talk about you a lot." The man immediately shook his hands in front of him to defend himself.

"Oh, thank goodness. You had me worried there for a second." Kyungmin chuckled, rocking Jieun in his arms as he did. "Well, I should get going now-"

"Wait!" Suddenly, Donghyun dashed off, leaving the brunette standing there with a dozing child. He came back, holding a tiny purple jacket out to him.

"Here, her jacket." Donghyun handed the garment of clothing, Kyungmin taking it gratefully and slinging it over his other shoulder. "Thanks, Donghyun-ssi. She can be forgetful sometimes, but that's what makes her so loveable."

"Yeah, she is… Do you perhaps have any kids of your own, Kyungmin-ssi?"

"No, I'm not quite ready for it yet." The taller shook his head fondly. "I haven't quite found my Mr. Right. What about you? Is there a reason you're working at a daycare?"

"Well, I just like taking care of children. They're cute and it's nice to watch them grow, you know?" Donghyun smiled softly.

Kyungmin was put in a trance at the pretty boy in front of him. He was exactly what he was looking for. Even if they had just met for the first time, it was like they've been friends forever. It was comfortable speaking and they had no trouble at all.

"That's… really sweet. Thanks for taking such good care of Jieun, she always talks about you back at home. I just… never saw you in person before. You're really handsome." He blurted out, the shorter smiling shyly.

"Thanks, you're pretty cute if I do say so myself. Do you, uhm, perhaps wanna go for coffee sometime? You know, when neither of us are busy."

Kyungmin blinked. Was he being asked out right now? "U-Uh, that would be great!"

"Cool! How about I get your number, hm?" Donghyun asked, Kyungmin immediately nodding while scrambling to get his phone from his pocket with one hand. After successfully taking it out, he gave the device to the other.

As Donghyun inputted his number, Kyungmin couldn't help but feel giddy inside. It's been a while since a boy has been into him, the last time ending in a dramatic breakup that took at least eight tubs of ice cream to recover.

The shorter gave him back the fun and flashed another smile. "How does Saturday sound? 2pm?"

"Yeah, I'm free by then."

Donghyun then nodded and turned to Jieun who was falling asleep on Kyungmin's shoulder. He caressed the girl's head, patting her. "You should get going, it looks like someone's getting sleepy."

"Jieun-ah, don't go to sleep yet until we get in the car! Oppa is gonna have a hard time carrying you." Kyungmin teased, the little girl blinking her eyes slowly as she nodded her head. He turned to Donghyun. "Well, I guess that's my cue. I'll see you later, Donghyun-ssi."

"Safe travel! Don't forget, Saturday at 2pm!" Donghyun reminded as the taller was already out of the door. As he watched them enter the car through the glass doors, he took out his phone eagerly.

Meanwhile, Kyungmin, after strapping Jieun in the backseat, he got into the driver's seat and started the engine. Just as he did, there was a ding that came from his phone.

Curious, he stopped what he was doing and checked what it was, and it was a text from an unknown number.

come back soon, kyungminnie!!
– your date, donghyun

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