just a pinch - baekden

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requested by doohyun459


Hyunwoo looked at the recipe on his phone incredulously. Isn't 18 cups of sugar too much? Is this a recipe for cookies or diabetes?

He let out an annoyed groan, searching for another recipe once again. He had all the ingredients, but the measurements had to be perfect.

For some reason, Hyunwoo was assigned the baking role for Minwoo's birthday despite never setting foot in front of an oven and probably should be banned from kitchens.

Dawit worked on the decorations, Donghyun with the DJs, invites, third parties, Kyungmin with the main course, and the three youngest were left out considering they were still busy from school.

A few minutes later, Hyunwoo was furiously mixing batter with a handheld whisk, not knowing how the hell to work an electric mixer and refusing to use it. Yejun came downstairs after hearing all the commotion.

"Hyung? What's going on?" He asked, watching confused as the older wrestled with the machine. "I'm trying to bake cookies for Minwoo's birthday, but I can't get this damn thing to work!"

"Here, let me try." Yejun jogged to him and took over, grabbing the machine and setting it up with ease.

"Wh- how did you do that?!"

"Uhm, I don't know? Maybe you should get me to help. I am an expert, after all." The younger grabbed a spare apron and put it on himself.

"Dawit hyung specifically told me not to let you near the oven…" Hyunwoo hesitated in letting the younger help. Maybe he would be the one to start a fire. But then again, Hyunwoo was kinda hopeless. A little help wouldn't hurt, right?

And Yejun didn't let him speak when he was already pushing the older to the side, taking over at the counter.

He looked through the recipe on Hyunwoo's phone, Hyunwoo's arms around his waist as he peered over his shoulder.

"A pinch of flour? What the fuck is this recipe? With this much ingredient you have, you'd need at least two cups." Yejun grabbed the bag of flour and the measuring cups, pouring in two into the mixing bowl.

"Hey, hyung?"

"Yes-" Before he could even finish mouthing such a short word, he was met with a face full of flour and Yejun's dumb smile.

"Oops, that's not the bowl." The younger said cheekily. It took Hyunwoo a few seconds to comprehend what was happening before he reached into the bag of four and threw it at Yejun's face, the other failing to dodge it.

"Take that!" Hyunwoo snickered, receiving another handful of flour that was met with another toss from him.

It turned into a whole food fight, throwing flour at each other and covering up the entire kitchen.

Hyunwoo had Yejun pinned down on the table before the younger had bit him, throwing another toss of flour once again. Hyunwoo grabbed the entire bag and threw it at him. "Ow- hey! That's against the rules!"

The older didn't care. His face started to hurt from smiling so much, taking quick notice to Yejun's face and body covered in flour. Surely Hyunwoo was just as caked as he was.

Yejun lunged forward, tackling Hyunwoo to the ground as he struggled to push the younger off. "When did you get so heavy?!"

Yejun only giggled as he and Hyunwoo rolled around the floor, smothered in flour and whatever other ingredients they managed to get their hands on.

Suddenly, Hyunwoo stopped on top of the other. He stared at him intently before bursting out in laughter. "What's so funny?" Yejun wondered.

"Nothing, it's just… you're so cute, Yejun-ah. You said you were gonna help me and now we're both covered in flour."

"Did you really expect me not to make a mess?"

The two shared a laugh together before Hyunwoo got off the younger, sitting down on the floor of the kitchen. Yejun followed.

"Dawit hyung is gonna kill us once he comes home." Yejun mumbled, taking notice of the complete mess that the kitchen was in. Some of it reached the living room and there was even flour on the ceilings.

"Who cares?" Hyunwoo cupped Yejun's face and pressed their foreheads together. "We're both taking the punishment together, anyway."

Yejun giggled, wrapping a hand around Hyunwoo's wrist. "Yeah, I guess so."

Hyunwoo placed a small kiss on the other's lips, tasting the dry flour. It wasn't very good, but he endured it. The kiss lasted for a while, both of them glad to have rest after such an intense flour fight.

Suddenly, the doorknob began to shake, making the two pull away. As soon as it opened, a grocery store plastic fell to the ground. Dawit.

"What the fuck have you guys done?!"

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