backstage - 03z

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It was late at night and Kyungmin had dozens of homework to pass, but what did he decide to do in his free time instead? He ordered himself a ticket to Gold's concert.

Gold, also going by the name of Keum, was an idol, one that Kyungmin admired and looked up to. He's known Gold since he competed in a survival show, and has been a fan since then.

Just yesterday, Keum announced on his social media that he was going to hold a concert all around Korea, and his first stop was Seoul where Kyungmin lived. He practically screamed and squealed like a little girl, kicking his legs with a dumb smile on his face.

After placing in the order, Kyungmin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He walked away from his computer and flopped down on his bed, staying silent for a few seconds before squealing once again.

There was also a one-in-thousands chance that he'd be getting an extra ticket to meet Keum backstage. But even if he doesn't get it, he's just happy that he gets to see his idol in person.


It took about 3 days for the ticket to arrive. Kyungmin walked to his apartment, being greeted by a small package in front of his doorstep. He picked it up with curiosity and brought it inside.

Only when he opened it did he realise what it was. Kyungmin felt like he was going to faint. Next to the dark red ticket was another one painted bright blue. Just by seeing it made him smile in joy. It was the ticket that lets him go backstage with Keum.

"Oh my god, this can't be happening." He slapped himself repeatedly to try and wake him up from what he thought was a dream, it wasn't. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed David's number, writhing in joy.

"Kyungmin? What's up?" Dawit asked. From the sounds of it, he was at a basketball court with Hyunwoo.

"Hyung! Remember that I'm going to Keum's concert?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"I got a ticket to meet him backstage! Which meaaaans you don't have to pick me up from the venue next week."

"First of all- FUCK- Uhm, Kyungmin-ah, let's talk later- STOP THROWING THE BALL AT ME!"

The call ended abruptly with the sound of a ball making contact to skin. It made Kyungmin wince, knowing exactly that Dawit got hit by a ball from the other line. He worried for the older, seriously.

Dawit and Kyungmin went to the same college and took the same major, so it wasn't hard for them to become friends. Dawit was like a responsible older brother, and Kyungmin, who's kind of a klutz, really needed that.

Kyungmin put down the phone and laid on his bed. He grabbed the blue ticket in his hand and squealed, kicking his legs up and down once again. God, he was so smitten, wasn't he?


The day of the concert came and Kyungmin made sure to look his best. In a way, Keum's concert was also kind of like a fashion runway. All of his fans dressed to impress.

Kyungmin wore a white ruffle turtleneck that flared and had slits at the sleeves, tucked into black leather pants with white accents. For his shoes he settled with black boots. His bright red hair was styled in a way that his forehead was showing and had a few strands at the front.

He took some pictures in front of his mirror and posted it on his social media before leaving. Kyungmin pocketed his phone and exited his apartment, meeting up with Dawit who was waiting for him in his car.

"Kyungmin-ah! You ready to go?" The older asked as the other entered the passenger's seat. Kyungmin nodded, buckling his seatbelt in for safety. Dawit started the car and began driving.

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