train - 04z

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"Shit! I'm gonna be late!" Hyunwoo cursed, frantically combing his hair while brushing his teeth. His first day at his new school and he's already gonna be late. Wow.

"I told you to set an earlier alarm." His sister deadpanned from the couch, munching on some popcorn as she watched a movie.

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't wake up!" He said as he struggled to put on his shoes.

Hyunwoo finished high school just a few months ago and was entering college. He knew that time wasn't much of a big deal in college, but he wanted to at least not be tardy on his first day.

He slung his duffel bag over his shoulder before checking the time. There was about 7 minutes until the train left. His college was quite far, so he was moving into the dorms. Well, that's if he could get there before they shut the gates.

Hyunwoo greeted his sister farewell before rushing out of the door, munching on a protein bar that will probably serve as his breakfast and lunch.

It felt like he'd been running for hours, and just as his legs were about to give up, he finally made it. "No, no, no, no, no!" The student chanted under his breath, arriving just in time for the train doors to close. The passengers on the inside looked at him with pity.

"Fuck! The next train doesn't come in an hour!" He heard an unfamiliar voice come from beside him. Their eyes met. It was another boy who had a familiar ID around his neck, similar to Hyunwoo's own which meant he was probably from the same college.

The boy was shorter than Hyunwoo and had silky black hair. He seemed to be in the same distress as Hyunwoo was.

"Missed the train too, huh?" The boy asked.

"Yeah... I'm Kim Hyunwoo." He held out a hand for the boy.

"Cho Minwoo. It looks like we go to the same college. You wanna wait for the next train together?" Minwoo suggested, shaking the other's hand.

"It doesn't come in an hour... how far do you think a taxi will take us?" Hyunwoo suggested as he anxiously checked the time on his watch.

"Not far. The institute is all the way in the more crowded parts of Seoul. I mean, it is SNU after all."

The taller let out a frustrated sigh and sat next to Minwoo on the bench. He hunched over and held his head in his hands, Minwoo patting his back.

"At least you don't have to wait alone, right?"


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