“Yeah, alright,” I said uneasily giving them one last kiss before heading back inside to grab my things and head out.

When I got in my car I sat there staring ahead of me for a bit bringing myself to actually start the car.

I finally grew some pair and started the car and drove my brand new car to school.

When I arrived at school I took a couple of deep breaths before getting out. The moment I got out of my car a guy came up to me and handed me a single white rose. It was beautiful.  I looked at him baffled and took it hesitantly. I recognized him to be on Eric’s football team.

“Happy birthday,” he wished smiling kindly at me.

“Thank you,” I said though it sounded more like a question. Other than knowing he was on the football team, I’ve never spoken to this guy, ever, how did he know it was my birthday today? And how did he know white roses were my favorite?

I started walking towards the school only to be stopped by another person. This time it was a girl who was in my history class – I think – and she too handed me yet another single white rose. Again I took it dazed and confused.

“What’s going on?” I asked her. She just smiled wishing me happy birthday and skipped off. I titled my head sideways and watched her go. What the hell was going on?

I didn’t make it far before I was stopped again and handed another rose.

After the 10th person had handed me a rose I was already in the school heading to my locker. I needed to find Dee; maybe she put everyone up to this. I know how crazy she gets around birthdays.

When I was almost at my locker I was stopped by Dylan who had a gigantic smile on his face.

“Hey, have you seen Dee?” He didn’t answer. Instead he embraced me in a hug and handed me a white rose.

“Happy birthday”

“Oh no not you too,” I groaned taking it from him. “What’s going on?” I demanded. He winked at me kissing my cheek before turning to the side to reveal Delilah.

“Dee, what’s going on?” I asked my annoyance peaking now. Why won’t anyone tell me what all this is about?

“Happy birthday my beautiful best friend,” she said also handing me a rose and hugging me tightly. She didn’t even give me a chance to ask her again before she stepped to the side only to reveal David who was standing with a rose in his hand as well.

David did the same thing; handed me a rose and turned to the side to reveal Drew. Then it was Natalie, then Monica, whom I smiled brightly at. Ever since she started dating Chris I’ve gotten to know her better, and she’s extremely nice.

Finally there was Chris. He stood towering over me as he stood with a rose in his hand. At this point I was tearing up. I still didn’t know what was going on, but I was so blessed to have amazing friends.

I took the final rose from Chris because I finally made it to my locker. I smiled bringing the bouquet of roses to my nose inhaling deeply.

“Happy birthday Lori,” he grins before turning to the side to reveal Eric standing there with a guitar in his hand.

Before I could get a word in he took a step forward and started playing “Lucky” by Jason Mraz. I was in such shock I couldn’t remember to breathe. Eric was singing! He was finally singing out loud and in front of everyone! I can’t believe he’s actually doing this!

Everything melted away as I stood there listening to his beautiful angelic voice. I’ve been dreaming of hearing Eric sing again ever since I heard him sing along to the song we danced to at my mom’s boss’ party. I know how shy he is about his voice, though I don’t know why. His voice was incredible. He was truly blessed with an amazing talent.

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now