Chapter 29

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I was taken aback by the view at a little distance. I shot Sasuke a glare as I spoke,"Could you not tell me that before?" Sasuke spoke as he still was lying on the hard surface filled with grass,"You could notice the sign board even in that darkness, you couldn't even notice such a big farm house right before your face? You confuse me." I could see a faint smile on his lips. He was making fun of me seemingly.

Sasuke was strange. One moment he scared me, the next moment he would appeare as someone normal. Who knows what is going to happen once we step into the farm house filled with all sort of people? This time Sasuke doesn't pull me up or extend his hand, he walks ahead by himself as if he has fulfilled responsibility by carrying me all the way to here.

Seems like, we are the last ones to enter. When I followed Sasuke in, everyone either narrowed their eyes while glancing or gave us side eyes. Even though nobody has the courage to gossip in the presence of him, nobody was scared to judge both of us with their narrow vision. Who knew that it was going to give birth to a new rumour?

Our team didn't win but the rooms we were given wasn't any less comfortable. Kakashi was cunning. The only difference was that the winning team got a refrigerator filled with all sorts of drink which is announced as a privet one for them in their rooms and we also got a refrigerator filled with beverages but it just wasn't private. The difference was that we had to walk extra to get something we would like and the winning team members didn't have to do so.

"If I knew I would have waited until someone found it. Why did I have to walk all the way?" Kiba complained. A voice which didn't speak since the start of the game speaks all of a sudden,"Because a bit of exploring was what you need." Kakashi appeared in the room who knows from where. His arms are folded and his face holds a charming smile.

"Sensei, you could have allowed us to have some alcohol at least!" Kiba dared to say that. Why wouldn't he dare? Behind him there was the shadow of the mighty council. Kakashi only chuckles in response as if responding is pointless. "Should we arrange bonfire? I brought meat." "Are we going to do barbecue?" A hopeful voice rang in the middle, it was Lee. "If that is what you want to do with the meat." Kakashi shrugs letting them decide about the dinner.

While others went outside, I remained in my room. What was the point going there? After I parted with Hinata, there wasn't a single soul who approached me with the intention of befriending me. There was Lee who approached me but it was because he was a social person and he didn't lack friends. All there left was the person who only bothered me. I can't even imagine or dream that that person would ever want to befriend me. You could already guess who I am talking about.

The farm house wasn't luxurious, it was cozy. The bed has already been removed as there is a lot of students and the farm house is lacking enough rooms and enough beds. Although all came from an elite privet school but the school couldn't manage a farm house big enough for all of them to live cozily. Thinking of that I chuckle by myself.

Everything about the school is exaggerated. The students lived cozily, ate food which wouldn't be affordable for me most of the time outside, wore uniforms with the best quality, buildings which reached the sky, vast grounds and even a forbidden forest.

When did I first express my wish to go there? It was back then when my friend showed me an article. Although there was nobody who didn't hear of this school but not many of them were knowledgeable. The article fascinated me. The thought popped in to my head how the students lifestyles might be. And there at the bottom it was printed that there was a way for the commoners to enter. It was scholarship of course. It was pure luck that I got accepted. Thousands of people filled the form for admission. Only two or three got the chance.

I mostly did for fun or maybe to test my luck? Who knew that the god would favour me? Once I'm out, I won't have to run from door to door asking for jobs. Prestigious companies will be there to hire me. Once I took a step in, my future brightened along with it. Thinking of it, a proud smirk appeared on my lips. Apart from the over powerful council which was mostly created to pester the students, the school isn't that bad.

A soft knock pulled me down from the clouds of thoughts. Looking back, I was taken aback to see Kakashi Hatake leaning against the door. I shot up from the futon and almost stumbled in the process. His deep voice spoke out. "Why are you curled inside here? There is bonfire outside." I respond,"I will be there when the food is ready."

Kakashi said,"If that's what you wish to do. Shall we chat for a bit?" Although Kakashi offered to be my privet tutor but such relationship hasn't built up between us. I always walk on eggshells whenever I'm around him, scared that I would disappoint him. Kakashi appeared as a gentleman but he had a air of haughtiness around him.

"What does the sensei wish to speak?" I ask. Kakashi says,"I couldn't interact with you about the exams." I feel my stomach acting funny all of a sudden, it is caused by nervousness. The man before me who is a prominent teacher in this school, expressed his faith in me and believed that I had the capability of leaving Sasuke behind. When people expect too much from you, you will definitely have the urge to satisfy them.

I lower my gaze fiddling with my nighttime attire. Kakashi observed my condition and ended up chuckling. "No need to be so serious. This time is for you to enjoy. I will not pester you about the exam." A heavy weight was about to be lifted from my chest until Kakashi said,"But I hope you don't disappoint me after the tour when the results are out." I grit my teeth. What if my results ends up being disappointing? Will he shake his head with his eyes filled with the emotion that I hate to see? Will he finally say the sentence that "You are not worthy to compete against him."? What will happen? Kakashi never fails to pressurise me.

He pats my shoulder as if after a bit of threat a slight affection is needed. He says,"Do not be too hard on yourself now. If you really did well, you wouldn't be anxious, would you? Do you remember what I said? I see myself in you." I nod. "Just like how I worked hard, you should follow the my steps." I speak,"I do not wish to disappoint sensei as well." "I hope you don't." Kakashi says.

As someone clears their throat, our attention drifted to the new comer. "Kakashi Hatake Sensei." The boy dared to utter his full name. Who would that be if it wasn't Sasuke Uchiha? But instead of feeling disappointed and annoyed, I felt the wave of relief washing over me. Kakashi's expression never changed and the gentle and warm smile was plastered on his face.

"Sasuke, what caused you to come back?" He asks. Sasuke says,"I left something behind and came to pick it up." Kakashi responds,"Ohh is that so? Are you enjoying the trip Sasuke?" Sasuke responds coldly,"What's their to enjoy? Is there anything I didn't see before?" The cold yet harsh feedback didn't faze Kakashi at all.

Sasuke steps into the room walking toward my direction. My heart is beating faster without any reason. Since when I started to feel relieved in his presence? All he has caused me is suffering. In the name of running the council, what he does is bullying. He even took it to whole another level. But my most amazing experiences also were somewhat with him now that I think about it.

His appearance is cold and frosty. The way he walked, it looked graceful. As if he was trained to be a beautiful perfect walking porcelain doll. Everything around him was dim except for his very presence. The boy walked to my side and grab me by my arm abruptly. Both Kakashi's and my gaze fell on the place of my arm where he grabbed.

"What are you sitting here for? If something gets stolen or lost, they will come to blame you. Or are you really here to steal people's belongings?" His words were harsh but he pulled me from the awkward situation. As he kept dragging me, I asked,"Are you not going to pick up what you left?" "Shut up." He spat and got me out of there.

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