Chapter 14

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Naruto's POV

As I went back to my room, I thought about taking some of my books and run away for the time being. But again, the student council basically are monsters here and defying Sasuke can bring misery to my life. It's just a party that's what I thought.

Sasuke never instructed me to wear anything particular except for what he said about wearing something decent. So it can be whatever. I took my regular hoodie that I wear before going anywhere and baggy pants. I look like some guy who is lazy about his looks or appearance. Basically I have nobody to impress.

I hear a knock on the door. Can it be Sasuke? Why would he come up here when he can just wait somewhere else? But opening the door I see nobody but him standing at the doorway.

He's in white. When he wears black, he looks like a devil and when he wears white he looks like an angel. In real, he's a devil in the disguise of an angel.

Sasuke looks down on me checking me out. I don't know why but I was waiting for his approval about my not so impressing attire. Even though, he is wearing a plain white shirt, he's still managing to stand out.

Maybe because the piece of cloth he's wearing is from an expensive and famous brand. Or maybe it's just his appearance that screams beauty. A man who is worthy of being called handsome and beautiful at the same time. Anybody could fall for him if he was a nice guy.

"Why are you staring at me, without blinking?" That sentence made me flinch as I came back to reality. He finishes the sentence saying,"That was creepy." I tell him averting my gaze as I was damn embarrassed,"I was thinking about something! However, shouldn't we get going?"

Sasuke says looking at me from head to toe,"Don't you look too eager?" I tell him,"Then should I put up a fight?" Sasuke says smirking,"Yeah, I saw how strong you are. Maybe you will be able to leave a bruise on me."

Looking at how delicate he seems, it feels like breaking him is nothing but easy. But I know it's not how it looks.
I tell him,"I have to study that's why I'm hurrying." Sasuke raises his one eyebrow. He said,"That's understandable."

When both of us made our way to the stairway, we saw people roaming around the area staring at us. Whenever someone's eyes are getting locked with Sasuke's, they are averting their gazes as if they are not allowed to look up.

Sasuke says,"See? Am I not giving you the feeling of some royalty? Nobody is daring to look up to you." I tell him,"That goes for you. Nobody cares about me." Sasuke chuckles deeply and seems like some girls around us found it attractive as I caught them blushing. Why would they blush anyway if it's not for this?

We made our way outside to the broad daylight. Sasuke says,"Going at night would be more fun but I can't take risk just to take you there." I roll my eyes as he can't see me. As if I'm dying to go with you to that damn party. I never liked parties because I've never gone to any.

I saw no guards running up to us as they already saw who is in front of me. I caught a bunch of people staring at us as me beside him is nothing but a surprise for them.

Sasuke says,"Wait here, a car should arrive in minutes." I wonder, why he even wants me to go to a party. I would be nothing but a nuisance and a boring company. I can't hold liquor, I can't dance or even start any conversation with any stranger. I'm the king of the introverted people.

A white car came just like Sasuke said. The car surely goes with the shirt that is on Sasuke. A man came out of the car wearing a uniform. This should be the driver. Sasuke says something to the man going a bit forward and the man just nods his head.

The driver opens the door for Sasuke and he gets into it. The driver did the same for me too. But I was told to go at the front beside the driver and Sasuke is at the back . I felt humiliated somehow but paid effort to mask my expression.

Sasuke always acts like an elite ignoring people thinking of them as peasants. I'm no different for him. I see from the mirror at the front that he was busy tapping on his phone as if he's texting somehow.

Then suddenly he averted his gaze to the mirror and our eyes got hooked. I only saw a glimpse of him raising his one eyebrow and I immediately looked down. I wonder, why am I blushing?

After driving for some more minutes, the driver stops the car in front of a large building. The driver opened the door for Sasuke out of his duty and responsibility but this time I had to open the door for myself as the driver didn't come this way.

Sasuke looked back at me checking if I'm following him or not. He says,"Let's head inside." I made my way beside him seeing him not moving an inch. Then suddenly the thing he did, made me feel goosebumps.

I see him snaking his hand around my arms holding me close as if we are a couple. I ask him whisper yelling,"What are you doing?" Sasuke says bringing his face close with his clear visible smirk,"Protecting you."

We head inside and eventually took an elevator. He says,"We are going to the top floor."  I look at him weirdly. Is he trying to push me from the rooftop planning to commit a perfect murder?

Sasuke is enjoying the whole thing as if there's a scared rabbit in his hold. The door of the elevator opened and the bouncer who was outside immediately let us in without any questions.

The place is bustling with music and loud beats. But this party doesn't seem like those I've seen in television. I scrunched my face as I saw them doing so much intimate things. None of them are drinking, all of them are having SEX!

I ask him,"What is this!" Sasuke smirks. He says,"Ignore them. They are not going to stop." He pulls me with him to the corner. He made me sit beside him and in front of us I can see them fucking each other crazily with full view. This is embarrassing.

Sasuke motions for someone saying something about drinks. I can't help but look away but suddenly I feel his hand grabbing my face setting it to the front making me look at them. He says,"What are trying to do? You have to see this."

I snapped,"What! No I won't." He says,"Shut up. Look at them, they don't need to worship God as they don't care about going to heaven. This is heaven for them." The loud moans and screaming are mixed with the music.

Most of them are naked or half naked. I tell him,"Don't they feel embarrassed? Can't they just take a room except for doing this together in just one place? Sasuke says,"They don't have time to do that. They would just grab someone and fuck them. It doesn't matter if the thing they are fucking is a girl or a boy."

I ask him,"Why is that?" Sasuke says,"Because the drinks here contains aphrodisiac." That made me awestruck. Why would someone drink something like that? I speak,"Then they could just force themselves onto someone who is not willing. This is not heaven, this is hell."

Sasuke says,"Are you dumb? Why would someone come here if they don't want it? They take the drinks knowing about the drug in it. You can have regular drinks too. All of them want this and come here to fuck or get fucked."

I turn to him as I suddenly feel scared. I ask him,"Then why did you take me here?" Sasuke looks into my eyes. He observes me and I felt him looking through my soul, body and mind. He chuckles again making me tremble. He says,"Don't worry. I'm not into this. Touching someone's private area would be disgusting. I took you here for my own amusement."

I look at him being curious. Then suddenly some figures appear right in front of us. What are the other members doing here? All other members of student council are here including Ino.

"You took him with you!" I hear someone almost yelling. Then a sound of smacking came to my ears. Kiba who looks pissed and Shikamaru who is scolding him are the only ones who aren't looking at me. And except for them, all of the others are looking at me.

Sasuke turns to me. He says looking at me with his eyes brimming with amusement,"You are strong, right? You even punched me making me stumble. How about measuring your strength once of all today?"

I ask him,"What does that mean?" Sasuke says,"It's simple. This club has another fun thing. They arrange fist fight everyday and our Kiba is a regular there. I want to bet you against him today."

My eyes widen. He says,"Let me see your strength. I want you to fight against Kiba. He's aggressive." My legs start to shake as I remember the past events. I remember how Kiba hit that guy who got expelled.

How the blood were spilling. I'm weak when it comes to the color red. Yet, they forced me to enter this arena, with so much people around it as audience cheering for Kiba.

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