Chapter 3

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Naruto's POV

Why did that little mistake lead to this? I wanted to lead my life as a student in this elite school quietly being poor among all those rich kids. I can't afford to get out of this school.

I know my parents can't pay for all these expenses even though they wouldn't complain. They could pay happily if I were in a normal school in this country. But this is Konoha High, school for rich kids of billionaires, big politicians and famous people around the country.

I open the book and turn those pages trying to concentrate but seems like today I won't be able to do it anymore. I'll just sleep and try to forget everything. But my mind is drifting back to him.

The white prince who is supposed to be perfect unrealistically is something else that one can't imagine. If I go around telling everyone about him, I'm sure I'll just make my way to get myself killed.
The cold weather doesn't have any effect on me while I'm being cozy in my dorm room. My home was nice, just like a home should be. But this dorm room is made for the elites, so this is something else. I'm not even surprised that I don't have to share this room with another person like any other rooms out there. Because this school is made for the riches to study comfortably.

Handing me a can of coffee, Hinata says,"This is the best one here." I tell her,"But I don't like coffee." I see her shoulders slumping down. I tell her,"Okay, taking a few sips won't hurt I guess."

Going back to the class, I thought about sitting beside Hinata but each bench is for just one person. I should have guessed better. Hinata waves her hand at me before going to her seat.

The best seat is empty and that is beside the window. Sitting here, this window can give me the view of the small lake down there. This school has everything. "Good morning students." Our homeroom teacher came right in time.

A lot of gasping and chattering can be heard right after the teacher came in. No wonder, the teacher has a nice face to look at. The teacher chuckles seeing their instant reaction and says,"Okay, let's be silent for some minutes. We should start the introduction."

Some of them did stop and some are still continuing what they were doing awhile ago. The teacher speaks again,"I'm asking you to stop what you are doing for the last time. This school doesn't tolerate indiscipline. Check the rule no. 11 if you don't know."

There's a small book that was given to us that day where all of the rules are written perfectly. The small book has almost 50 rules written in it that we have to follow. Seeing the serious expression on the nice face of the teacher made everyone stop right at the moment.

The teacher's face turned back to the happy expression that he was making when he came in. But nobody is gasping like before because they know this is just a facade.

The teacher speaks,"Well, I guess all of you are giving your fullest attention to the class. So, let's get back to the introduction. I'm your new homeroom teacher. My name is Kakashi Hatake."

Everyone is silent. Kakashi speaks again,"I also graduated from this school and was appointed as a teacher by the principal here right away." He looks young and the reason is clear. Kakashi says,"The first thing we have to do before starting classes properly is to choose our class president."

Then students start to chatter again. Kakashi says,"I was already suggested by the principal to choose a certain person for the position." I see the man looking around the class and seems like he found the chosen person.

He clears his throat and then says,"The student who is going to take responsibility of being the class president is Miss Hyuga." I quickly move my head to have a look on her face. She looks surprised as well.

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