Chapter 24

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The jet lag took a toll on my body. It was almost evening when we arrived. The buses outside took us to this hotel. But everyone has to share the room with someone else. I am looking around to see if anyone is willing to share a room with me. I can't ask Hinata because girls aren't supposed to stay with boys. I had a thought about asking around but about that I'm extremely shy.

"Haven't found your roommate?" Iruka asks out of nowhere. I pout my lips before saying,"No, I feel like nobody wants to share a room with me." Iruka says smilingly,"That can't be it. Wait, I'll do something for you." Saying that he wavers his hand calling for someone's name,"Hey Lee!" A boy with a weird hairstyle looks back. Even his eyebrows look extremely thick.

The boy flashes a bright smile before speaking. He says,"Yes, Sensei?" Iruka speaks,"Have you chosen your hotel roommate?" Lee says,"Not yet, I'll just find someone." Iruka says,"That's good. But I would be happy if your shared your room with this boy here." Then he looks down. I was afraid to see his reaction, the disappointment in his face. But instead he grinned toward me. He says,"How come I've never seen you?" He should've seen me at the stadium.

I chuckle nervously as I say,"I am not a popular face here." Lee says,"I am not either! Let's take our key card from over there. I think I need a shower." I nod feeling grateful. At least I found someone seemingly kind here. Please don't bear any ulterior motive behind this kind gesture, Lee.

Lee groaned as I was opening the door. He says,"I think I saw you at our plane. You have something with Sasuke. Are you friends?" I ask carelessly,"Does it look like that?" Looking back at him, I see him shrugging his shoulders. Seems like he's extremely clueless.

Lee says as we both make our ways in,"Will you mind if I use the bathroom first?" I tell him,"No, please go ahead." I put the luggage at the corner. Itachi surely bought a lot of things that are usable for me. But my conscience isn't letting me use any of them. When I insisted him to take those back with him he also left without taking any of those stubbornly. I only took a pair of shoes which he bought. The ones I had was worn out. I could make a great use of that.

Lee was quick to come out. He says as he looks satisfied,"I feel fresh and cool, damn." I tell him,"Take your time to rest. I'll be using the bathroom now." I could hear the sound of the music faintly from here. Lee surely has a cheerful personality. It's even unbelievable to think that he hangs out with that psychotic bastard sometimes.

Hearing a soft knock on the door, I was about to get up to open the door. Noticing Lee is closer to the door than me, he stops me lifting his hand up saying,"I'll open it." He opens the door to find one of our classmates. The guy says who looks extremely awkward,"Kakashi sensei wants us in the lobby." Lee nods as he says,"Yeah go ahead, we'll be coming." The guy rushes off.

Lee turns to me and says,"We should head out." I get up at once following him from behind. I wouldn't say that I was not excited, I still am. The constant fear of something that is yet to come is wrecking my nerves. Whenever we came to stand together with the council, something bad happened.

The lobby was full with the students. Kakashi was surely standing out. Lee runs as he sees his friends. I walk slowly toward them. Hinata was present right beside his brother. Our eyes met, her eyes was shining as she caught my sight but I stubbornly looked away. Noticing most of the students are here, Kakashi speaks,"We'll be going for hiking." The noise of them cheering made me excited as well. Kakashi says,"There are mountains at a distance. We'll be doing a competition. Whoever climbs up first will be given a prize."

It won't be me. I have a low stamina and I will be exhausted really soon. Kakashi says,"Go back to your rooms and pack some stuffs. We'll be camping tonight as well. Students need a little change in their lives in order to go on. Let's take this as the perfect chance to do something different."
There are a lot of students. But they will be dividing us in groups. Team leaders will be chosen by the group members. I was taken into a group with so many unfamiliar faces. But one face made my stomach feel weird. Ino, who should be in the council. She has a cold expression on her face as if she doesn't care about the rest of us and think of us as peasants.

And with her, there's a pink haired girl. The two of them are mostly standing out among the others. Just as we thought without any voting, Ino was chosen to be our group leader. The pink hair girl assured us on her own saying,"No worries, she's extremely intelligent." I heard people sighing. Nobody trusts them after all.

But soon we realized why the pink haired girl said that about Ino. We are one of the leading teams. "Hey, hurry up!" Someone shouts at me. They can't help as I am constantly loosing my breath. I'm not used to walking like this. Ino one the other hand looks unfazed and standing still like a mountain.

The sun is about to set. Sakura speaks,"What if dangerous animals are lurking around?" Ino shuts her up immediately,"If you are that scared, you shouldn't have come here." Sakura looked disheartened. She's a cheerful one but Ino never forgets put her in her place.

"We are still behind. Hurry up!" Ino shouts. When we started to move faster, one of us fell on the ground. I heard him groaning. Before we could turn ourselves to help him, Ino yells,"If someone falls behind, leave them! I don't need helpless losers around me." Ino kept marching forward. The guy got up on his own hissing in pain. I ask him as both of us fell behind,"Are you okay?"

The guy answers,"No, I twisted my ankle." I offer him my help as I tell him,"I can help you walk." The guy says,"Thanks and sorry for troubling you." I responded smilingly,"It's fine." When we made it to the top, the competition had already ended. The winner was Neji's team. He had both Sasuke and Hinata in his team. Kakashi has arranged to set up tents. They have also set fire in the middle. The sky is clear with so many stars and the great view of the city is right before us.

Kakashi says,"We can only have canned foods here. Don't worry, there are in a good quality." Volunteers have already started to give away the canned foods and water bottles. I didn't know where should I sit. Everyone has at least one friend with them. One the other hand, I am here with no accquaintance.

Kakashi speaks as all of us are about to finish our food,"About the prize, the leading team will have an advantage in the next game tomorrow night. And that's it for you." Saying that he stands up. So there will be another game. Although everyone looked excited, I one the other hand don't have enough energy left in order to participate in a game. With my low energy, I'm just a burden.

Kakashi says,"We will be staying into the van." Sai speaks out,"That's not fair sensei. Why do you get to stay inside a van when we are getting bitten by the mosquitoes?" Kakashi speaks wisely,"You people have grown up so comfortably that you know nothing about hardship. How about we use this chance to teach something that you've never learned?" Then I suddenly could see Kakashi speaking all that staring at Sasuke. It may be coincidence but something sparked inside me.

When Kakashi was nowhere near our sight, the atmosphere around us got awkward. It would have been no problem to enjoy the whole moment but in the presence of the student council, nobody is daring to move. I have never known a group of people who are supposed to represent the whole school can hold this much power to create a moment when you have to hold your breath like this.

Then a voice made almost everyone startled speaking out of nowhere. Looking at the source, it had to be Sai. He has a smirk on his face which gave me goosebumps. This is another start of a disaster, I can tell.
He speaks,"Now that we are finally free. We can use this time to enjoy ourselves." Dramatically Kiba asks which looks pretentious,"And how?" Sai speaks,"Of course this is the best time to play hide and seek." Then Naruto realized behind them there is a deep forest and in the darkness they are the perfect victim.

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