Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place

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The reality of what happened with Michael finally hit you. Loki feels terrible and decides he's going to treat you to a beautiful night out. Except, "out" doesn't mean anywhere on Earth, apparently.


Happy Friday friends!! Today is rather emotional because it's been one year since I first saw Betrayal on Broadway so let's gather for a moment of silence for the wonderful Betrayal era

Also...we hit 40,000 HITS ON THIS FIC!!! That's just...insane. Thank you to everyone who has read this story, commented, left kudos - you all mean the world to me.

Now, let's get romantic! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

The reality of what had happened in your hallway with Michael hit you one week later.

You were walking out of your bedroom and towards the kitchen to feed Cooper when you paused and stared at the front door. In a blink of your eyes, you saw it happen again - Loki leaning over Michael as he wore his ceremonial warrior armor, blood splattered on his fists and murder in his eyes. You saw Cooper standing there, teeth bared and blood dripping down his fangs - fangs which had never been used before. Your heart began pounding as you remembered Loki's words: He was going to knock Cooper out, then you if you fought him. And then, he was going to take you. He was going to kidnap you. He was going to go as far as killing you if he couldn't have you. And don't worry, I was on the hit list too.

You had collapsed to the floor as you vomited on the ground, chest heaving as sobs escaped your body. Loki was at your side within seconds, his body cradling yours as he rubbed your back. You cried and choked and spit, and you briefly wondered if this display of pure panic was going to turn Loki off.

He only held you closer.

It wasn't that you were upset with what happened to Michael. You knew he deserved it and you were more than thrilled that he was wasting away in some Asgardian jail cell right now. But the memory of that entire evening - the blood, the syringes, the threat - it turned your blood cold. The destroyed image of Michael's legs and face forced bile up your throat. Michael couldn't come back, and you were aware of that, but that didn't make the entire scene any more comforting.

You apologized to Loki profusely as he held you there, his hand still rubbing your back in large, soothing circles. By your tenth sobbing apology, Loki had covered your mouth with his hand and stared deep into your eyes.

"Stop this," he had said. "This is not your fault. It will never be your fault. You are allowed to be upset, scared, angry, anxious. A man almost kidnapped you. That merits throwing up on the floor."

It had made you laugh, but you still felt uneasy.

Loki saw it, he always saw it. Your uneasiness began just after Michael's downfall, but it only got worse after your panic attack in the hallway. He hated himself for not forcing you out of the room when he was attacking Michael. You didn't look at him any differently and you still loved him profusely, he knew that. He just didn't want to see you so disturbed. You walked around your apartment with an unsteady caution that could only be solved by Loki placing his hands on you. Only when he was touching you did your body relax. It was unfair in Loki's mind that you were paying the emotional toll for something that was not your fault.

He did his best to comfort you in the ways he knew how - holding you, cooking for you, fucking you. In those moments, your eyes were brighter, your smile was wider, and that sweet blush on your cheeks returned. Loki made sure to tell you he loved you more and more often because hearing your soft laugh made his own heart defrost and flutter. But then, the shadows would cover your face again, the nervousness would enter your eyes, and you would be dragged into your thoughts of what could have happened.

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