Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants

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It's quitting time! You and Loki have your individual missions. You just hope everything goes smoothly, because you cannot handle one more day in that damn office.

TW: Minor violence


Happy Friday my loves!! Today's chapter was so much fun to write and I think you're going to like it to hehe. Thank you so much for reading and enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"Do you remember the plan?" Loki asked you, his head dipped down near yours as you bristly walked to work. You were rather late but that did not matter anymore. You were quitting. You were officially leaving the dreary, painful job that caused you so much frustration behind. Your head was held high and there was a distinct swagger in your step that had Loki's eyes drawn to your ass as you hustled down the stairs in front of him only minutes earlier.

"Yes, I do," you said confidently, turning to smile at Loki. He was dressed in a beautiful suit, completely black and dripping with decadent sophistication. It took every bit of power within you not to drag him into a nearby alley, shuck his pants down and suck his cock with your knees on the dirty concrete. You would have plenty of time for that after you quit. "We go in. I go straight to Mr. Richards' office and tell him how it is. You find Michael and do whatever it is you're going to do."

"Good girl," Loki praised, pushing the dark sunglasses he wore further up his pointed nose.

"Loki? How exactly are you going to do your part of the plan? You never told me," you said, tilting your head a bit. Loki chuckled and swung an arm over your shoulder, pressing your body to the side of his.

"That, my dear, is for me to know and for you to find out," Loki laughed. You rolled your eyes but preened under his joyous mood.

As you paced the city streets, you noticed several pairs of eyes drawn to you and Loki. Crowds parted for you both, offering you a clear space to walk. You wondered how you two must look - Loki in his dark suit, dark glasses, dark presence and you tucked under his arm. Perhaps a few weeks ago, you would have felt self-conscious. You may have even tried to hide your face from the approaching throngs of city walkers. But now, as Loki strolled to work with you, you felt brave. You felt like you could do anything. Loki was with you and he was happy about it. He was thrilled to get you to himself and to help you with your endeavors. You smiled, shook some hair from your face, and continued walking forward.

When you reached the entrance of the building, you rooted yourself to the sidewalk. Loki looked down at you, his eyes searching your face. You licked your lips and smiled as you stared up at the floor where your office was.

"This is it," you murmured.

"Yes, it is," Loki acknowledged. He spun you towards him and pressed his lips to yours, his large hands cupping your face. The kiss was smooth, gentle, and teeming with encouragement. After pulling away, Loki pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "I am so proud of you."

"Thank you," you sighed, stretching onto your toes to peck Loki's lips. "If I get nervous, I'll touch the pendant and call out for you."

"And I will be there in a moment's notice," Loki said. "Once you're done, go home. I will meet you there. I have a feeling your ordeal will be faster than mine."

"Right. Remember the deal?"

"No killing."

"And no hurting."

"You suck the fun out of everything," Loki grunted, earning a swat on the arm from you. He chuckled and returned the favor, slapping your ass as you shuffled inside. He watched you walk into the building and once you were gone, he slipped into his shield of invisibility, courtesy of the magical tie he had kept on hand from the first time he performed this trick.

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