Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water

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After taking a lesson from Loki about how to get what you want, it's time to approach your boss and demand a vacation. Also, chocolate bars, showers, and an interesting spell.

TW: Minor violence


Happy Friday everyone! I'd like to thank you all for 10k hits on this fic!! I can't believe the support I've gotten and I'm thrilled that you're all enjoying this filthy little fic. You all mean the world to me and I'm so thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you <3

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"Mr. Richards!"

You immediately perked up as you saw your boss strutting down the hallway on the way to his office. You had been planted outside of his office for a few minutes, waiting for him to arrive back from his lunch break in order to propose your vacation plans. You figured that after eating, or doing whatever leathery-skinned bosses did on their breaks, he would be more amiable. You had even gone out of your way to wear a turtleneck sweater this morning - and a jacket and a scarf - just to ensure that there was no slip of the collar to reveal your bruises.

Travis' tired, irritated eyes met yours and even though he was several feet away, you could hear a huff drop from his lips. He shook his head a bit and slowed his step, crossing his arms when he finally reached you. His eyes flickered down to your sweater and he raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you for finally dressing appropriately today," he said with a grimace etched onto his face.

Finally dressing appropriately? There was nothing inappropriate about my outfit yesterday you dip shit! You were the one who was inappropriate by pointing out my bruises!

You had to bite your tongue and stop yourself from voicing your thoughts. Though, Loki would probably be proud of your feistiness.

"I wanted to speak with you," you said simply, planting an eloquent smile on your face. "If you have the time, that is."

There was a clear debate going on in Mr. Richards' face. He didn't want to talk to you but he had the time. And really, perhaps he was interested in what you wanted to say. So you stood there and chewed your lip nervously - which you scolded yourself for considering Loki had just healed it the night prior - and waited for his answer. Finally, the bold man's shoulders sagged and he waved his veiny hand.

"Alright, fine. But make it quick."

Mr. Richards quickly walked into his office and you shuffled behind him, trying not to make too much noise. He circled his desk and sat down. There were no chairs in front of his desk so you simply stood there, hands folded behind your back, and head slightly bent.

You blushed and imagined posing like this in front of Loki - naked, wet, and submissive. You willed the blush to leave your cheeks as your boss cleared his throat, clearly impatient.

"Mr. Richards, thank you for letting me talk to you -"

"Buttering me up won't get you anywhere," he grumbled, adjusting some of the papers on his desk.

"Right, sorry." You nodded. "I was wondering...well, I mean, I was thinking..." You paused and stared down at the floor.

"English, please," he said without any drop of emotion, amusement, or patience in his voice.

As you gazed at the gray carpet beneath your feet, you thought back to last night's lesson with Loki. He told you to voice what you wanted and to make it confident. Surprise the anger out of your boss. You shut your eyes and remembered how you told Loki to take his cock out, leave his suit on, and demand that he cum inside of you - an effect you were positive you could still feel, though that shouldn't be possible. You thought about the shock in those perfectly seductive eyes, the grin on his cocky face, and the silence he presented you as he shucked his pants downwards and presented you with his beautiful cock.

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